
Corporate consultancy


The corporate experiences acquired over the years allow us to work with great attention to detail, guaranteeing a high quality service and in full compliance with civil and tax regulations.

We assist our clients with corporate consultancy in all phases of corporate life, from the preliminary phase of the study and evaluation of the legal forms provided for by corporate law to the modification and dissolution of all types of companies.

This service is offered at 360 degrees as it includes consultancy in the definition of corporate relationships and the drafting of all civil documents such as financial statements, supplementary notes, management reports, consolidated financial statements according to national accounting principles and international.

Subsidized finance, non-repayable contributions


Financial difficulties are often the basis of the failure of one's business project.

Thanks to subsidized finance interventions, companies can count on a series of tenders to support their entrepreneurial activity. Through specific tenders, companies are entitled to financing, concessions, contributions and other advantageous conditions.

We deal with subsidized finance, i.e. all the practices necessary for the entrepreneur to address his business needs with particular attention to the different forms of contribution (often totally non-repayable) aimed at youth entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurship, industry 4.0, to the tourism hospitality sector and many others available both at regional, national and European level.

Organization and management control


The structure deals not only with certain entrepreneurial phases, but also assists in the drafting of business plans and the consequent management analyzes for the necessary monitoring of final costs.

Planning to control the progress of a company, setting the objectives to be pursued, leads to the growth of the company. In fact, thanks to management control, a route is traced that the company must follow to achieve certain economic results.

We are here for this, that is, to help set the right objectives and to check whether the route is respected.

Creation of entrepreneurial projects


Our aim is to help customers set up any type of entrepreneurial project, from the simple purchase of machinery to the creation of a new business reality, such as a start-up.

If you have an entrepreneurial project that you consider valid and would like to materialize, the start-up is the right tool to make it happen. It is the form of business designed specifically to create innovative businesses with high growth potential. The many incentives provided have been designed to encourage the creation of new businesses in these areas.

We are the first to encourage in this direction and to assist our customers in this journey.


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