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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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The Planetarium and Astronomical Observatory of Cà del Monte is an extraordinary place where emotions mingle with the discovery of the universe in contemplation of its immensity

The planetarium and observatory of Cà del Monte is a structure of great cultural and scientific interest that represents a pivotal point in the Oltrepò Pavese for its value and uniqueness.

Special care was taken in the construction and realisation of this site. The observatory‘s arched structure was designed to fit harmoniously into the hillside so as to create a continuous dialogue between research, teaching and dissemination activities. As for the planetarium dome, the two side domes and the amphitheatre are interconnected in the observation activities.

This place represents a real asset for the territory and allows visitors to travel towards infinity and ‘beyond‘ without ever leaving Oltrepò Pavese.

Inside the Astronomical Observatory and Planetarium, a ‘create your own visit‘ formula has been created to allow families and school groups to create the most suitable experience according to the age of the children, thus enabling a visit built around their needs.
The activities offered by the facility are divided by colour and assigned a topic:

- Blue - Astronomical observations through the telescope: the opportunity is given to look through the telescope during the day to observe the Sun and at night to discover the marvellous starry sky;

- Orange - Planetarium insights: an activity very often linked to observation;

- Green - Nature walks: these are carried out along the ‘Path of the Planets‘.

This place is a not-to-be-missed stop for tourists in the Oltrepò pavese area, offering an unforgettable experience discovering the sky and all that it holds within.

Why visit a planetarium
There are several reasons to visit a planetarium, or an astronomical observatory with star projection programmes. Here are some of the main ones:
Astronomy education: a planetarium offers an extraordinary opportunity to learn about astronomy and the universe. Star projections and presentations often include detailed explanations of celestial objects, the solar system, constellations and much more. It is an excellent way to learn more about astronomy in an engaging and interactive way.

Immersive experience: star projections in planetaria are often highly realistic, creating an immersive experience that simulates the night sky. This allows visitors to observe stars, planets and other celestial objects in a controlled and comfortable environment without atmospheric or light interference.

Appreciate the beauty of the night sky: many people live in highly urbanised places with high levels of light pollution, which makes stargazing difficult. A planetarium offers the opportunity to see the beauty of the night sky without having to travel to remote areas.

Stimulation of the imagination: presentations in planetaria often include mythological and scientific stories related to constellations and celestial objects. These narratives can stimulate the imagination and interest in astronomy.
Fun for the whole family: planetaria are often an ideal family destination, as they offer an educational and entertaining experience for all ages. Children in particular can be inspired by the beauty of the night sky and the enthusiasm of astronomers.

Astronomical research: some planetariums are linked to astronomical research institutes and offer enthusiasts the opportunity to participate in scientific observations and learn more about current astronomical research.

Special events and educational programmes: many planetaria offer special events such as observations of solar eclipses, planetary transits and other rare celestial events. They also organise educational programmes, lectures and workshops to enrich the knowledge of astronomy enthusiasts.

What are the emotions of visiting a planetarium?
 Visiting a planetarium can arouse a wide range of emotions, as it offers a unique and immersive experience related to astronomy and the universe. Some of the common emotions people can experience at a planetarium include:
Marvel: The experience of observing the starry sky or the solar system on a large curved screen can arouse a profound feeling of wonder. The beauty and grandeur of the universe can leave one speechless.

Awe: The visual effects and presentations in planetaria are often astounding. The accuracy of the simulations and the clarity of the images can surprise visitors.

Learning: A planetarium is also a place of learning, and many people feel enthusiastic about learning new astronomical facts and concepts. The thrill of learning can be rewarding.

Deep thinking: Presentations in planetaria often include reflections on the scale of the universe and our position in it. These deep thoughts can provoke deep contemplation and a feeling of connection with the infinite.

Calm and serenity: The quiet, dark environment of a planetarium can foster a feeling of calm and serenity. Away from the noise and everyday hustle and bustle, visitors can relax and concentrate on the celestial spectacle.

Entertainment: Some planetaria offer light and entertaining shows, such as those related to constellation mythology or space adventures. These shows can inspire joy and amusement.
Sharing: Visiting a planetarium with friends or family can lead to a feeling of sharing and connection. Being able to share the experience of the stars with others can increase the enjoyment of the visit.

Inspiration: Many people, especially young people, may feel inspired by a visit to a planetarium. This inspiration can lead to a lasting interest in astronomy and science.

In general, the emotions felt in a planetarium depend on the individual, the presentation and the overall experience. However, many people find visiting a planetarium a fascinating, engaging and exciting experience that connects them with the universe in unique ways.

In summary, visiting the planetarium observatory at Ca‘ del Monte is an extraordinary opportunity to learn, explore and appreciate astronomy and the universe in a welcoming and engaging environment.

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