
Among the most beautiful villages in Italy: Zavattarello and the Dal Verme Castle

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Focus Oltrepò
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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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The imposing stone fortress that dominates the ancient village of Zavattarello, was built in the 13th century and, despite several transformations and renovations over the centuries, retains its fascinating history intact.

Zavattarello is part of the «Borghi più belli d‘Italia» (Italy‘s most beautiful villages) and is one of the most fascinating destinations in the Oltrepò pavese. The imposing fortress that dominates the village is completely built of stone, with walls up to four metres thick, and is a typical example of military architecture. The impregnable fortress has withstood numerous sieges and played a strategic role in controlling communication routes and defending the surrounding territory.

Today the castle, which has been completely restored, can be visited and allows visitors to come into close contact with the life that was led at the time by walking through courtyards, kitchens and halls with still ancient traces of frescoes. Walking along the walls, the castle offers exciting panoramic views.

To help visitors discover the history, architecture and past of this enchanting place, events and historical re-enactments are organised throughout the year to give tourists the opportunity to relive the spirit of this medieval castle thanks to the restoration work that has been done.

This fortress is called ‘Castello Dal Verme‘ in honour of the family that conquered the feud and its castle in medieval times. Tied to the building is a famous legend linked to strange events that still lack a plausible explanation. It is said that Pietro dal Verme, lord of the castle, was poisoned by his second wife, Chiara Sforza, and that her husband‘s presence never left the castle walls. In fact, there are many unexplainable events that have taken place within the castle‘s halls and have even been investigated by paranormal researchers.

This castle is a fortress that has survived many wars and arrives to the present day with plenty of history to tell and bring to life for tourists who come to visit.

The Oltrepò pavese is an area rich in tourist attractions and each of them is able to make this territory known from different perspectives. Without doubt, the Castle of Zavattarello is one of the symbols of the Oltrepò pavese.


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