

  • 12      Mariella Rossi
Focus Oltrepò
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Autumn, with its warm colours and enveloping landscapes, transforms the Pavia countryside into a fairytale setting. The hills of the Oltrepò are tinged with yellow, red and orange, while the fresh air smells of wet earth and woods. But it is at the table that the Pavia autumn offers the most intense emotions. The area‘s restaurants and trattorias, scattered among the vineyards and medieval villages, open their doors to visitors for a unique sensory experience, made up of typical dishes that tell an ancient story of traditions and flavours.

Pavia‘s cuisine, during the autumn, is enriched with local products that best express the characteristics of this period. Polenta, mushrooms, pumpkin and much more become the protagonists of rustic and genuine dishes, capable of warming the heart and satisfying the palate. One of the mainstays of Pavia‘s autumn cuisine is polenta, a symbol of conviviality and warmth. Served steaming hot, it can accompany braised meats, wild boar, beef stews or succulent sausages. The Oltrepò is also famous for its woods, which in autumn yield prized mushrooms, the undisputed protagonists of creamy risottos, fragrant soups or simply enjoyed grilled with a drizzle of oil and garlic.

Another autumn ingredient par excellence is pumpkin, with its sweet and versatile flesh. In Pavia‘s cuisine, pumpkin is transformed into delicate ravioli, often simply dressed with melted butter and sage to enhance its natural sweetness. But pumpkin also finds a place in risottos, velvety soups and flans, or served as a side dish alongside more robust meat dishes, such as duck or pork.

One cannot speak of Pavese cuisine without mentioning its wines, which are a sublime accompaniment to the dishes of the season. The Oltrepò Pavese is renowned for its vineyards, which in autumn give life to wines with an intense and enveloping character

Experiencing autumn in the Oltrepò Pavese means embarking on a sensory journey that goes beyond mere taste. It is an immersion in the scents of the undergrowth, the golden colours of the vineyards and the history of a land that has managed to keep its culinary traditions intact.

Each dish tells a story: from the care in the choice of ingredients, often zero kilometre, to the respect for recipes handed down from generation to generation. And as you sit at the table, you can breathe in the authenticity of a cuisine that celebrates the simplicity and excellence of the territory.

The Oltrepò Pavese, with its enchanting landscapes and cuisine rich in autumnal flavours, is a perfect destination for those wishing to enjoy an authentic taste experience. The area‘s restaurants and osterias are ready to welcome tourists with dishes that speak of tradition and innovation, offering a unique opportunity to discover and savour the wonders of a season that, in this corner of Lombardy, has the flavour of magic.


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