

  • 11      Stefano Spalla
Focus Oltrepò
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Simone Scarani, President of the InOltre Association, recounts the first results of the experience at the TTG in Rimini. An exploratory participation that is attracting interest from international buyers with the aim of promoting the territory.

The TTG in Rimini is one of the main international stages for tourism, where operators and buyers from all over the world meet to discover new destinations, products and trends. As well as representing a unique opportunity to promote the Italian territory, the trade fair encourages the development of strategic partnerships and enables the launch of new tourism offers.

Thanks to its global reach, TTG offers an ideal platform for expanding networks, exploring emerging markets and enhancing the competitiveness of the Italian tourism sector on the international scene. The economic operators in the tourism and hospitality sector of the Oltrepò Pavese area are well aware of this and, united in category associations (InOltre and Tavole Oltrepò), have decided to take part in the event for the relaunch of our territory.

Thanks to an innovative strategic vision, led by Matteo Casagrande Paladini, General Manager of Colline e Oltre Spa, the sector is going through a phase of significant growth and dynamism. The first results of this coordinated approach will not be long in coming. As highlighted in the interview with President Scarani, the first feedback gathered is already positive and promising, suggesting encouraging future prospects for the development of the area and its tourism potential.

Focus: We are at the TTG in Rimini, one of the most important events in the tourism sector. This year the InOltre and Tavole Oltrepò territorial associations are present at the fair. How is this experience going?

Simone Scarani: Taking part in TTG this year was a sort of reconnaissance, an opportunity to explore and better understand how to position ourselves in view of next year, when we will return with an even more structured set-up. This event is a great opportunity to get in touch with many potential partners and buyers and, I have to be honest, we were able to see a lot of interest in our initiatives.

Focus: Speaking of contacts, how was the response from international operators towards Oltrepò Pavese?

Simone Scarani: Very positive! The people we have spoken to are all intrigued even though, I am sorry to say, many do not know exactly where Oltrepò Pavese is located or what we can offer. There is a lot to be done on this front, but if we better analyse this critical aspect, we can also see a positive side because it allows us to present ourselves as a new destination yet to be discovered. This is exactly what tour operators are looking for at the moment: fresh, non-saturated markets, and we are ready to satisfy this demand with a high quality offer, enhancing the excellence of our territory.

Focus: An opportunity that seems to have great potential. During the fair, you also participated in the ‘Meet & Match’, right? What was that experience like?

Simone Scarani: Exactly. The ‘Meet & Match’ was a very interesting and stimulating experience. We participated in meetings of about ten minutes with international buyers, carefully selected before the event. The discussion with them provided us with valuable insights, reflections and suggestions to further enrich our tourism offer. The contacts established are promising and we are confident that they will bring concrete results as early as next season, for which we are already working intensively.

Focus: Speaking of collaborations, is there anyone you would like to thank for this first experience at TTG?

Simone Scarani: Certainly a thank you goes to the Pavia Chamber of Commerce, which gave us the opportunity to be present in their space located in a strategically important position next to the Regione Lombardia stand. This allowed us to be close to very important companies and to make a good impression as an association. We are doing everything we can to begin to be seen and appreciated at an international level, and occasions like these are fundamental because at trade fairs of this magnitude there are buyers from all over the world.

Focus: What are the prospects for the future of Oltrepò Pavese in the hospitality and tourism sector?

Simone Scarani: We are confident. The objective is to return next year to TTG with an even more solid and structured project. We will share the acquired contacts with our associates and hope to bring home concrete results. We have worked hard to make ourselves known and are ready to offer the best of our territory. Oltrepò Pavese has great potential and we believe that, with the right strategies, we can carve out a significant space in the international tourism market.

We would like to thank Simone Scarani for his time and availability, aware of the numerous commitments and important contacts to be managed at the working table. We wish TTG a good continuation and great success for future projects.

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