

  • 26      Cristina Baiardi
Focus Oltrepò
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On 6 October 2024, Lungavilla is getting ready to host one of the most eagerly awaited events of the autumn season: the famous Rassegna della Zucca Berrettina, a food and wine event dedicated to promoting the berrettina variety of pumpkin and the agricultural traditions of the area. This annual event, held in the picturesque Piazza del Mercato, is the perfect opportunity to rediscover ancient flavours and immerse oneself in the cultural and gastronomic traditions of the Po Valley.

The event, held on the first Sunday in October, not only celebrates the berrettina pumpkin, but also promotes typical local products, supporting small local producers through the Km 0 market. Here, visitors will be able to buy vegetables, preserves and other local products, the fruit of the commitment and passion of farmers. The event also aims to spread the culture of self-production and raise awareness of traditional cultivation techniques in family gardens, an art that has been handed down for generations.

The highlight of the day will undoubtedly be the ‘A tutta zucca’ lunch, where guests will be able to enjoy a variety of creative dishes based on the berrettina pumpkin. From pumpkin soups and filled ravioli to classic pumpkin gnocchi and the famous ‘Nusät’, a typical Lungavillese dish made of polenta and pumpkin. There will be no shortage of sweets such as cakes and jams, and for the more curious there will also be tasty roasted seeds, perfect as snacks. This lunch is a true celebration of the pumpkin‘s versatility in the kitchen.

The berrettina pumpkin, the absolute star of the event, has a long history dating back centuries. Its cultivation is an integral part of the agricultural tradition of the Po Valley and, in particular, the Lungavilla area. However, over time, this variety risked disappearing, replaced by more profitable crops. It was only thanks to the initiative of the Lungavilla municipality, which in 2007 launched a project to recover the berrettina pumpkin, that this ancient variety was saved from oblivion.

The project, developed in collaboration with the Ente Nazionale Sementi Elette in Tavazzano (Lodi) and thanks to the passionate work of the Gruppo Promotori della Zucca Berrettina, has made it possible to preserve the original seeds guarded by local farmers and to reintroduce the cultivation of the Berrettina pumpkin in the surrounding countryside. This initiative not only safeguarded a piece of agricultural heritage, but also revived interest in the production of native, sustainable and quality varieties.

The Rassegna della Zucca Berrettina in Lungavilla is more than just a festival: it is a tribute to the agricultural roots of the Po Valley, to the passion of local producers and to the goodness of the products of the land. On 6 October 2024, do not miss the opportunity to experience a day of tradition, taste and conviviality, rediscovering the genuine flavours of the past and participating in an event that enhances the culture of the territory.

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