

  • 39      Martina Prigione
Focus Oltrepò
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The Oltrepò Pavese represents unique entrepreneurial excellence. This territory, often associated with its rolling hills, its vineyards winding along the ridges and its ancient agricultural history, is home to a lively, varied entrepreneurial fabric deeply rooted in tradition.

What distinguishes Oltrepò Pavese from many other areas is its network of businesses, mainly family-run, operating in traditional and innovative sectors. Many of these businesses are small or medium-sized enterprises that have been handed down from generation to generation, keeping alive not only the skills of the trade, but also values that give their products and services an authentic and distinctive character.

The families that run these businesses have deep roots in the territory and a strong connection to local traditions. From wine producers to craft workshops, from small farmers to shops of gastronomic excellence, the transmission of knowledge and skills often has an intimate and familiar flavour. Many young people, while looking towards innovation, continue to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors, interpreting their trade as a mission to preserve the identity of the Oltrepò Pavese.

The Oltrepò Pavese area is known throughout the world for the production of high quality wines, but local excellence goes far beyond the wine sector. While viticulture is undoubtedly the symbolic industry of this area, there is also a blossoming of small and medium-sized enterprises operating in different fields, such as the production of cured meats, cheeses and organic agricultural products, as well as more modern sectors such as technology and sustainable tourism.

Many of these entrepreneurial realities have been able to combine tradition with innovation, seeking new opportunities to expand also in international markets without losing the link with the territory. Wineries, for example, while maintaining production techniques handed down over time, are adopting sustainable practices to meet the needs of an ever-changing world. Similarly, artisans and farmers are experimenting with new technologies to improve the quality of their products, while maintaining a high focus on the quality and origin of raw materials.

This entrepreneurial fabric, made up of passion, dedication and skills handed down, is the reason why the Oltrepò Pavese is not just a place of production, but a recognised quality brand. The small entrepreneurial realities, which may seem invisible to the eyes of those who do not know the territory well, represent a fundamental economic resource for the entire area. They are not only an economic engine, but also a cultural one, because through their work they keep local traditions alive and enrich the cultural heritage of the area.



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