

  • 50      Mariella Rossi
Focus Oltrepò
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Codevilla is a small municipality nestled among the rolling hills of the Oltrepò Pavese, where the Staffora stream flows into the plain. Despite its small size, Codevilla boasts a rich and fascinating history, closely intertwined with its most historically relevant hamlet: Mondondone. This hilltop village retains traces of a glorious past, when its fortress was an important defensive outpost. Today, only a few remains of that fortress are visible, but they continue to evoke suggestions of a time of battles and domination.

Until the early 16th century, Mondondone was the administrative centre of this area, belonging in part to the Pavia Monastery of Santa Maria and Sant‘Aureliano, known as ‘del Senatore’. Its elevated position, 340 metres above sea level, affords breathtaking views of the Staffora Valley and the surrounding hills, covered with dense broadleaf forests, including oaks, locust and chestnut trees. This unspoilt landscape is ideal for nature walks, offering a refuge from the hustle and bustle of the plains below.

Among the historical jewels of Codevilla is the Pontasso Sanctuary, the foundation of which is shrouded in a legend dating back to Lombard times. It is said that a warrior named Asso, during the siege of Pavia, got lost in the woods of Oltrepò while hunting. Desperate, he made a vow: he would build a chapel if he could find his way back. Just then, a mysterious lady appeared to show him the way. As a sign of gratitude, Asso kept his promise, giving rise to what is now the Santuario del Pontasso, a place of spirituality surrounded by greenery.

Codevilla‘s importance is not limited to its natural beauty or the legends that surround it. Its strategic position along one of the main communication routes between the Po Valley and the Ligurian Sea, and thus between central Italy and France, made it a crucial point during the Middle Ages. Castles and abbeys sprang up here, whose task was to control and assist travellers, turning Codevilla into a land disputed between various powers.

This continuous change of domination left an indelible mark on local history. During the Napoleonic period, it was the only area of Lombardy to become part of Liguria, while under the Savoy it came under Piedmontese control. Traces of these influences can still be perceived in the local culture and traditions.

The legacy of this disputed history is also evident in the food and wine. Codevilla is located in the heart of the Oltrepò Pavese, one of Italy‘s most important wine-growing areas. Renowned wines such as Bonarda, Riesling and Pinot Noir are produced here. However, it is precisely in this strip of land bordering the province of Alessandria that typically Piedmontese grape varieties, such as Cortese and Barbera, are cultivated, bearing witness to the influence of neighbouring Piedmont.

The art of viticulture, combined with the richness of the land and the favourable climate, makes Codevilla a reference point for wine lovers, where tradition is mixed with quality.

Codevilla and its hamlets, such as Mondondone and Piana, are immersed in an enchanting landscape where nature and history blend harmoniously. The woods, vineyards and rolling hills are a constant invitation to rediscover the beauty of living in contact with nature. The village is a perfect retreat for those seeking peace, authenticity and a deep connection with local history and traditions.


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