

  • 9      Mariella Rossi
Focus Oltrepò
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The village festivals in the Oltrepò Pavese represent the beating heart of a land rich in food and wine traditions and a cultural heritage rooted in the centuries. Situated in the rolling hills of southern Lombardy, this territory preserves a legacy of authentic flavours and heady fragrances, handed down from generation to generation, and the festivals are the moment when all this comes to life, transforming villages and squares into lively theatres of celebration and sharing.

The festivals of the Oltrepò are not mere folk festivals: they are true collective rites, in which the community comes together to honour the fruits of the earth and the work of man. Each festival has the flavour of history, of family stories, of traditions that resist the passing of time. It is during these events that the soul of the land is revealed in all its authenticity. Amidst the colourful stalls, fragrances wafting through the air, and laughter echoing through the streets, local excellence is celebrated, but above all the sense of belonging to a land that thrives on its past, proudly projecting itself into the future is reinforced.

Oltrepò Pavese is known for its typical products, the fruit of a long farming tradition that has been able to enhance the peculiarities of a unique territory, where hills and vineyards draw breathtaking landscapes. The festivals thus become an unmissable opportunity to discover these precious gems: every dish, every glass of wine tells a story, and what makes these events special is precisely the chance to meet the producers in person. They are the true custodians of the territory, those who, with passion and dedication, continue to cultivate the land and transform its fruits into authentic excellence.

Taking part in a festival in the Oltrepò means immersing yourself in a convivial and genuine atmosphere, where you are not mere spectators, but protagonists of an experience that involves all the senses. You walk among the stalls, you watch expert hands at work kneading, cooking, serving; you listen to anecdotes and stories that speak of ancient traditions, of jealously guarded old recipes. But above all, one tastes the territory, savours its essence in every mouthful, in every sip.

The festivals are not just moments for tasting: they represent an opportunity to discover the Oltrepò in a different, more intimate and authentic key. Direct acquaintance with those who produce and process local products adds inestimable value to the experience. One learns to recognise the taste of work, of toil, but also the satisfaction of carrying on a tradition that is a symbol of identity and belonging. Each festival tells a different story, but they all share the same spirit: that of celebrating the richness of the territory and the pride of belonging to it.

At these events you experience a real journey through the flavours of the Oltrepò: from the intense aroma of cured meats to the delicate notes of artisan cheeses, from robust and tasty first courses to traditional desserts, each taste represents a piece of the history of this land. But framing all this is wine, the authentic king of the Oltrepò Pavese, which becomes the undisputed protagonist at every festival, celebrated in all its forms. From elegant bubbles to full-bodied red wines, each glass tells of the extraordinary biodiversity of the local vineyards, offering visitors an unparalleled oenological experience.

All in all, the village festivals in the Oltrepò Pavese represent much more than just an opportunity to taste typical products: they are the heartbeat of a territory that never stops telling its story, renewing itself and arousing emotions. They are an invitation to slow down, to take the time to discover the beauty hidden among the hills, to let oneself be carried away by the fragrances and flavours of the area.



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