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Focus Oltrepò
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Mount Lesima, at 1724 metres, is one of the highest and most fascinating peaks in the Ligurian Apennines, representing an unmissable destination for hiking and nature lovers. This excursion, which is also accessible to hikers who are not particularly experienced, is one of the most suggestive in the province of Pavia thanks to the variety of environments and the broad views that can be admired along the entire route.

The excursion begins at the CAI Nassano refuge, located at an altitude of about 1400 metres, on the road connecting Brallo di Pregola to the Giovà pass. This refuge, surrounded by greenery, is an ideal support point for those wishing to tackle the ascent to Monte Lesima. Once you leave the refuge, you continue across a wide meadow that quickly leads to the Passo della Colletta. Here are the signs for path no. 101, which will accompany us for much of the hike to the summit.

Path no. 101 winds along the ridge of the mountain, immediately offering walkers sweeping views of the valley below. The path is well marked and easy, ideal for those who want to immerse themselves in nature without having to worry about particularly technical or dangerous passages. The vegetation at the beginning is sparse, allowing spectacular views from the very first steps. The view immediately opens up towards the Trebbia Valley, with its rolling hills stretching to the horizon.

As one progresses, the path enters a dense beech forest, where the walk becomes cooler and more shady. The forest is full of life, with majestic trees that seem to protect the path with their wide foliage. During the autumn, the beeches provide a unique colour spectacle, with their

After crossing the forest, the landscape changes again: one arrives at the vast meadows of Monte Terme. Here, nature opens up in all its magnificence, with grassy expanses stretching as far as the eye can see. These meadows are particularly spectacular in spring, when the blossom explodes in a blaze of colours and scents.

The last part of the hike is a gentle ascent to the summit of Monte Lesima. Despite the altitude, the climb is not particularly demanding and can be tackled without difficulty by hikers of all levels. The summit is dominated by a large radar installation, recognisable by a large white dome that stands out among the green surrounding landscape. Although this structure is an artificial element, it does not detract from the beauty of the mountain; on the contrary, it becomes an easily recognisable landmark even from a distance.

Once the summit is reached, the effort is repaid by a breathtaking panorama. From the summit of Monte Lesima, your gaze can sweep 360 degrees: to the east, the valleys of the Trebbia and Staffora valleys open up, with their hills gently sloping towards the plain. On a clear day, it is possible to glimpse the Alps in the distance, with their snow-capped peaks shimmering in the sun, while to the south you can catch a glimpse of the Ligurian Sea, shimmering on the horizon.

After enjoying the panorama and the peace that only the mountains can offer, you can start your descent along the same route as the outward journey.

The excursion to Monte Lesima is an experience that remains in the hearts of those who experience it. Not only for the beauty of nature and the variety of landscapes crossed, but also for the feeling of peace and tranquillity that one breathes along the entire route.


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