

  • 659      Cristina Baiardi
Focus Oltrepò
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The Oltrepò Pavese, with its verdant hills and ancient villages, is a land steeped in history. From its Roman origins to the conflicts of the Middle Ages and the resistance during the Second World War, this region has experienced centuries of transformation, while maintaining its traditions and ties to viticulture intact.

The Oltrepò Pavese is a region with an ancient soul, rich in history and traditions that are interwoven with the very fabric of the territory. Located in the south of the province of Pavia, this land stretches between the hills of the Apennines and the Po Valley, becoming over the centuries a crossroads of peoples, cultures and dominations.

The first traces of human settlement in the Oltrepò date back to Roman times, when the region was part of Cisalpine Gaul. The Romans, attracted by the fertility of the soil and the presence of rivers such as the Po, developed a flourishing agriculture there, introducing crops such as vines, which are still the symbol of this land today. The Roman cities of Veleia and Clastidium testify to the strategic importance of the Oltrepò already in those ancient times.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, the region came under the control of the Lombards, who consolidated their presence by building fortifications and monasteries. However, it was during the Middle Ages that Oltrepò Pavese assumed a prominent role, thanks to its strategic position along the trade routes connecting northern Italy with the sea. During this period, powerful noble families such as the Malaspina and Visconti fought for control of the region, leaving behind castles and fortified villages that still characterise the landscape today.

The Renaissance saw further development of the Oltrepò, both economically and culturally. Noble families, such as the Doria and Dal Verme families, invested in viticulture, which became a major source of wealth. This period was also marked by frequent conflicts between the various noble factions, who vied for dominance over the surrounding territories.

The arrival of Napoleon and the inclusion of Oltrepò in the Cisalpine Republic brought profound changes. Administrative reforms and the construction of new infrastructure favoured the economic growth of the region, which continued even after the fall of the Napoleonic Empire and the unification of Italy.

During the Second World War, Oltrepò Pavese became a nerve centre of the Resistance. Its hills were the scene of battles between partisans and Nazi-Fascist troops, and the courage of the local population contributed significantly to the liberation of the territory. After the war, the Oltrepò Pavese experienced a period of economic and social rebirth, thanks also to the rediscovery and valorisation of its wine and cultural heritage.

Today, Oltrepò Pavese is known throughout the world for its fine wines, but it is also a land that jealously guards its thousand-year history, made up of conquests, struggles and rebirths. Every village, every vineyard tells a part of this history, making the Oltrepò a unique and fascinating place, where past and present coexist in perfect harmony.



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