

  • 19      Mariella Rossi
Focus Oltrepò
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The Oltrepò Pavese is characterised by a diverse landscape that ranges from gentle hills covered in vineyards to centuries-old woods, passing through hidden valleys and crystal-clear watercourses. This geological variety not only creates breathtaking scenery, but also a wealth of ecosystems that are home to great biodiversity.

The Oltrepò hills are a true paradise for trekking and mountain biking enthusiasts. The paths winding through the vineyards and woods offer the possibility of completely immersing oneself in nature, with views ranging from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea on clear days. Mount Penice, one of the highest peaks in the area, is a reference point for hikers, offering routes that vary from simple walks to challenging climbs, always accompanied by the possibility of spotting birds of prey and other wild animals.

The luxuriant nature of the Oltrepò Pavese is home to a very rich flora and fauna. In the woods of oak, chestnut and beech trees, you can encounter numerous species of animals, from roe deer to wild boar and a wide variety of birds.

The vegetation is equally fascinating, with a variety of plants and flowers colouring the hillsides in every season. In spring, the meadows are covered with anemones, primroses and cyclamens, while in summer you can admire the broom in bloom and the many herbs that grow wild.

The Oltrepò Pavese is not only wild nature, but also a land of profound food and wine traditions that reflect the close bond between man and the environment. The vineyards that dominate the landscape produce high quality wines, such as the renowned Pinot Nero, Barbera, and Bonarda, which can be tasted directly in the numerous wine cellars scattered throughout the territory.

But experiencing nature in the Oltrepò also means discovering the authentic flavours of the local cuisine. Typical products, such as Varzi salami, goat cheeses, honey and preserves, are the result of sustainable farming and breeding, which respect the rhythms of nature and ancient traditions. The trattorias and agritourisms in the area offer the opportunity to enjoy dishes prepared with fresh, zero-kilometre ingredients, in an atmosphere that recalls the simplicity and authenticity of country life.

For those who love to experience nature in an active way, the Oltrepò Pavese offers a wide range of outdoor activities. In addition to trekking and mountain biking, the area is ideal for horseback riding, with numerous stables organising rides through the woods and vineyards. For the more adventurous, it is possible to paraglide from Monte Penice, gliding over the hills and enjoying a unique panoramic view.

The rivers and streams of the Oltrepò are perfect for sport fishing and kayaking, while birdwatchers will find this area a real treasure trove, with numerous observation points along the birds‘ migratory routes. In winter, when the hills are covered in snow, Oltrepò turns into a destination for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, offering a different way to experience nature, in a muffled silence and immersed in enchanted landscapes.


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