

  • 47      Mariella Rossi
Focus Oltrepò
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By now, the grape harvest is about to begin in the Oltrepò Pavese. The hills are tinged with bright green and the air is filled with a sweet, fruity perfume. It is a sign that the most eagerly awaited season is just around the corner, ready to bring with it toil, tradition and celebration.

Oltrepò Pavese, known for its breathtaking landscapes and vineyards that stretch as far as the eye can see, is an area that has lived in symbiosis with the vine for centuries. Here, the grape harvest is a centuries-old art that has been handed down from generation to generation, a cultural heritage that local families jealously guard.

The link between the grape harvest and the territory is indissoluble. The hills of the Oltrepò, with their ideal microclimate and fertile soils, are the perfect place for growing grapes. Families in the area dedicate the entire year to caring for the vineyards, carefully preparing each stage leading up to the harvest. And now, with the beginning of the grape harvest, they prepare to reap the fruits of their labour.

The grape harvest is a time of great social and cultural importance, when communities come together and collaborate. It is common to see entire families, from grandparents to grandchildren, busy in the vineyards, working side by side in an atmosphere of sharing and celebration.

The grape harvest, however, is only the beginning of a long process that will culminate in the production of wine. From the cutting of the grapes from the vine, a process begins that requires skill and experience. After the harvest, the grapes are taken to the cellars where the crushing phase begins. This step, although often automated today, still retains its ancient charm, when the bare feet of men and women were the main tools for extracting the juice from the berries.

Then follows fermentation, a process during which the must is gradually transformed into wine through the action of natural yeasts. Fermentation can last from a few days to several weeks, depending on the type of wine desired. During this phase, the attention and care of the winegrowers are crucial to ensure that the wine acquires its unique characteristics.

Finally, the wine is aged in wooden barrels or steel tanks, where it matures and develops its bouquet of aromas and flavours. This period can vary from a few months to several years, during which the wine acquires complexity and depth. Only at the end of this long process is the wine ready to be bottled and finally tasted.

The grape harvest in the Oltrepò Pavese is therefore much more than a simple harvest. It is a moment to celebrate life, the land and tradition. It is an opportunity to look to the past, honouring ancient farming practices, and to look to the future, with the hope that new generations will continue to preserve and pass on this precious heritage. In every sip of Oltrepò Pavese wine, there is the flavour of a thousand-year history, the sweat of many hard-working hands and the love for a generous and fascinating land.

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