

  • 86      Martina Prigione
Focus Oltrepò
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The Church of Sant‘Andrea, located in Retorbido, is one of the oldest places of worship in the area, and represents a monument of inestimable historical and religious value. Its origins date back to the year 348, as attested in the Tortonese annals of ‘Salice’, a tangible sign of the antiquity of Christianity in this region and of Retorbido‘s central role among the first religious centres of the diocese of Tortona.

The first sacred building, dedicated to the Apostle Andrew, probably stood a few metres below the current level of the church floor. This is evidenced by the single-light windows discovered during recent restoration work and the use of ‘striated’ bricks. These bricks, occasionally used in the first half of the 11th century and more commonly in the second half, became rare in the 12th century and even less so in the 13th century, providing a clear clue to the dating of the second Romanesque building that replaced the first church.

Incomplete documents from Gambara‘s pastoral visit, preserved in the bishop‘s curia of Tortona, speak of a third transformation of the building, which took place during the Renaissance. This transformation has come to light thanks to recent restoration work, which has revealed the current 16th-century structure. The Romanesque church, originally situated at the end of a long forecourt formed by the ancient cemetery, was raised and transformed, taking on the form we see today.

The exterior architecture is simple but elegant: the exposed brick and stone walls are flanked by two pilasters and surmounted by a tympanum. In the apsidal part stands the bell tower, also made of exposed brick, with bells that ring out in the valley, calling for prayer and reflection.

The interior of the church, with a single nave, houses a 17th-century wooden choir, recently and skilfully restored. Above the choir, a fresco by Legnani, painted in 1853, depicts the Virgin between St Andrew and St Martin, creating an atmosphere of solemn spirituality. In the centre of the nave is the only altar, surmounted by a small temple with four columns, all built in local stone, a symbol of the solidity of the faith that this church has represented for centuries. The tabernacle, with an embossed silver door depicting Our Lady of the Rosary, adds a touch of sacredness and beauty.

The Church of Sant‘Andrea in Retorbido is not only a building of great historical significance, but also a place of deep spirituality. Through the centuries, it has undergone several transformations, each one adding a new layer of meaning and beauty. Today, this monument continues to be a landmark for the local community and an attraction for visitors wishing to immerse themselves in the history and faith of this fascinating area. Its simple and dignified architecture, combined with artistic elements of great value, makes the Church of Sant‘Andrea a hidden jewel, worthy of being discovered and appreciated.


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