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Focus Oltrepò
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The Lombardy Region recently announced a key call for proposals to support pro loco associations registered in the regional register, with the aim of boosting one of the most significant sectors for the Lombardy economy: tourism. With a budget of €750,000, the call aims to incentivise and facilitate the activities of pro loco and their unions, which play a crucial role in grassroots tourism promotion.

Tourism is a vital component of Lombardy‘s economy. The region, rich in history, culture, natural landscapes and food and wine heritage, attracts millions of visitors from Italy and abroad every year. Pro loco associations are often the first point of contact for tourists, providing information, organising events and promoting the local beauty. In this context, the support of the Lombardy Region is of strategic importance, aimed at strengthening the capacity of these associations to operate effectively and contribute to the economic and social well-being of local communities.

The ‘Intervento a sostegno delle associazioni pro loco iscritte all‘albo regionale - Voucher’ notice provides for a non-repayable grant in the form of a one-off contribution with no reporting obligation. This approach streamlines bureaucratic procedures and allows pro loco to use resources flexibly, adapting to specific local needs.

Budget: The total amount available is 750,000 euro.

Amount of Contribution: Each beneficiary can receive a maximum contribution of €2,000.

The Lombardy Region‘s call for proposals represents a significant opportunity for pro loco associations to strengthen their activities and continue to carry out their valuable work of promoting tourism. With adequate financial support, these organisations will be able to improve the quality of services offered to tourists, increase the organisation of events and shows, and ultimately contribute to the relaunch of tourism in Lombardy.

The Lombardy Region‘s initiative demonstrates a clear awareness of the strategic value of tourism and the importance of supporting local organisations operating in this sector. Investing in pro loco means investing in the future of local communities, in the enhancement of territorial resources and in the sustainable economic growth of the region.

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