
Gianni Colombi: signature saffron in the magnificent Oltrepò Pavese

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Focus Oltrepò
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Saffron production in the Oltrepò is an interesting activity. The climate and soil are suitable and can favour the cultivation of this prized spice. From cultivation to enogastronomy in a truly unique cordon rouge. One of the greatest connoisseurs and local producers illustrates this

Even in the Oltrepò Pavese, with the commitment, passion and sacrifice of some growers, saffron cultivation is spreading. The greatest expert on this prized product is Gianni Colombi, who for years has been committed not only to production but also to promoting knowledge of saffron in the Oltrepò.

We had the privilege of meeting him and, from the first words spoken, one immediately perceived the high level of preparation and boundless passion he puts into his work. Given his expertise and the effects on the territory, we were pleasantly carried away by his exposition, which is reported here to promote knowledge of this important spice, which in Oltrepò has made it possible to rediscover abandoned land, instincted by the morphological structure of the plots, which must not have water stagnation and be well drained, to form a solid base for cultivation.

For production, Gianni Colombi explains, there is no need for watering (watering), it adapts to our cold and increasingly dry conditions. There is no need, indeed it is considered harmful, to use chemical herbicide fertilisers, the bulbs suffer until they collapse. Good fertilisation in the first year of planting, with well-matured cow manure, is the basis for positive results.
low land requirements

First product results can already be obtained, in order of dried spices, with an area of around 1000 m². Cultivation can be annual biennial or polyannual.

The bulbs are planted from the end of August to the beginning of September on previously tilled soil in which the seedbed should have as loose and usable soil as possible without neglecting a good basic fertilisation.

Flowering starts in mid-October and lasts until 5/10 November at the latest.

The flowers should be harvested daily, if possible still closed, to fully guarantee the aromas and properties, they should be peeled according to time by extracting the stigmas (three closed red filaments) which represent the noblest part of the spice. They should then be dried in special dryers and matured for 60 to 90 days in the dark in cool, humidity-free places. An average of 150 to 170 flowers are needed to obtain one large ready-to-use spice.

Harvesting and peeling is done by hand. Approximately 1000 hours are needed to obtain 1 kg of spice. Once the flowering is over, the saffron groves are maintained.
Environmental benefits

The non-use of chemical products such as fertiliser or weedkiller, the non-use of mechanical farming equipment in the saffron groves, the total absence of irrigation is to be considered a sustainable agricultural activity, preserving and enhancing the natural environment of our Oltrepò.

Nothing is thrown away from saffron flower: the stigmas, the noble part, of the flower are used to obtain the prized spice which, when used, will add flavour to our dishes or can be used to create chain products such as liqueurs or grappas, saffron honeys, cheeses enriched with flavour and taste, as well as simple biscuits to be used as tasty snacks.

The pistils (yellow part), once harvested, can be used in herbal teas or as yoghurt, thus bringing a wealth of nutrition to our organism.

The petals (called tepals) dried and used as a garnish for fancy cards or, by infusion, make it possible to obtain syrups that can also be used in confectionery with unique fragrances.
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