

  • 102      Martina Prigione
Focus Oltrepò
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The Oltrepò Pavese is a land of extraordinary natural beauty and great economic importance, especially thanks to its food chain. This territory boasts over 3,500 agri-food enterprises and more than 18 typical products that are recognised nationally and internationally. Local gastronomy represents a priceless pearl for the Oltrepò, contributing significantly to the region‘s tourist attractiveness and economic well-being.

The Wealth of the Gastronomic Chain

The Oltrepò Pavese gastronomic panorama is extremely varied and rich in products of excellence. These include Salame di Varzi DOP, Mostarda di Voghera, Peperone di Voghera, Pizzocorno cheese, Agnolotti Pavesi, Cipolla Dorata di Breme and Zucca Berettina. These products not only represent the culinary tradition of the region, but are also ambassadors of the territory, capable of telling stories of ancient flavours and traditions.

The production of Salame di Varzi PDO, in particular, is one of the most renowned excellences. This salami is produced exclusively in a delimited area that includes 15 municipalities in the province of Pavia, including Bagnaria, Brallo di Pregola, Cecima, Fortunago, Godiasco, Menconico, Montesegale, Ponte Nizza, Rocca Susella, Romagnese, Santa Margherita di Staffora, Val di Nizza, Valverde, Varzi and Zavattarello. The PDO designation guarantees that the salami is made and cured according to traditional methods, giving the product a unique and unmistakable flavour.

A Fertile Territory of Excellent Products

The Oltrepò Pavese is an area particularly suited to agriculture, characterised by a wide range of high quality products. In addition to those already mentioned, we find the Brallo potato, rice, Zavattarello and Romagnese honey, saffron, the white truffle of Casteggio and the black truffle of Menconico, goat cheeses, lavender, grass-fed meats and bread made from ancient grains. This rich assortment contributes not only to the diversity of local cuisine, but also to the region‘s tourist attractiveness.

The Economic and Tourist Impact

The Oltrepò Pavese food chain has a significant impact on the local economy. Agrifood enterprises generate employment and economic development, keeping the agricultural and culinary tradition of the region alive. In addition, the quality and variety of typical products attract a growing number of tourists, eager to discover the authentic flavours of the area.

Food and wine events, festivals and local fairs are perfect occasions to showcase these excellences, attracting visitors from all over Italy. In fact, food and wine tourism is one of the main levers of economic development for the Oltrepò Pavese area, helping to create a virtuous circle of appreciation for the territory and its products.

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