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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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Summer has finally arrived, and with it the irresistible invitation to explore the nature and breathtaking landscapes of our territory. Once again, the social page "camminandoinoltrepo", dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of the Oltrepò Pavese routes, accompanies us to discover the lesser-known but fascinating paths. This time, the proposed itinerary will take us on a splendid experience in the Recoaro Valleys Park Walk.

Itinerary details

Distance: 3.3 km

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Type of road: Mainly unpaved

Departure point/arrival: Broni - Fonti di Recoaro

Route description

Leaving the car at the Fonti di Recoaro car park, we set off along the valley floor road that passes between the two historic buildings of the springs, the symbol of this corner of nature. Following the beaten-earth cart track, we will find ourselves skirting a picnic area and a playground, witnesses to the past and the natural beauty preserved in this place.

Continuing on, the valley opens up before our eyes, revealing the hamlets of Fornace and Colombarone, small villages that stand out in the background like precious jewels set among the hills. The road turns left and climbs in two steep hairpin bends, offering, among the reeds, a panoramic view of the valley below, a true spectacle of nature.

Arriving at the hamlet of Montuè, we turn right and cross the entire hamlet until we reach the crossroads that will take us towards the centre of Canneto Pavese. During this stretch, we will notice on the right, in an isolated position on a rise, the Malpaga Tower, surrounded by luxuriant vines, an image that tells of the history and wine-making tradition of the region.

A few hundred metres further on, turning back, we can enjoy a splendid view of the village of Montuè. Finally, on the left, we will find the Canneto Pavese Municipal Park. Entering the park, the road begins to descend slightly, following the course of the Maga stream. This section of the route, immersed in renaturalised woods, will soon take us back to the valley floor and the Fonti di Recoaro.

A Unique Naturalistic Experience

Depending on the season, this short but intense route will give us different emotions. The sounds of the undergrowth, the water of the stream running parallel to the path, the colourful butterflies, elegant and light in their flight, will accompany us along the way. In addition, numerous bird species, along with foxes, deer and other wild animals, populate the park, making each visit a unique and unrepeatable adventure.


The Walk in the Recoaro Valleys Park is a perfect fusion of nature and history, a short but full of surprises and beauty. Thanks to "camminandoinoltrepo", we have the opportunity to rediscover our territory, to experience authentic emotions and to connect with the nature that surrounds us. Get ready to put on your hiking boots and immerse yourself in this new adventure to discover the hidden treasures of the Oltrepò Pavese. Enjoy your walk!

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