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Focus Oltrepò
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Oltrepò Pavese, with its rolling green hills and centuries-old vineyards, is an ideal location for outdoor sports. However, to encourage physical activity among residents, it is essential to support local sports associations, which often face high running costs.

The importance of sport for citizens is central to the well-being of the community. Regular physical activity not only improves physical health, but also contributes to mental wellbeing, promoting socialisation and creating a strong sense of community.
Sport is essential to a healthy, balanced life. Physical activity helps prevent many diseases, improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones and helps maintain a healthy body weight. In addition to the physical benefits, sport has a significant impact on mental health, reducing stress, improving mood and boosting self-esteem.

In a context like that of Oltrepò Pavese, where nature provides an ideal setting for outdoor activities, it is essential to encourage people to take up sport. However, in order to be able to offer adequate sporting opportunities, local sports associations face ever-greater economic challenges. Operating costs, purchasing equipment, organising events and maintaining facilities require significant financial resources.
Supporting sports associations: Region Lombardy‘s new call for proposals

To meet these needs, the Lombardy Region has launched a new call for proposals entitled ‘Non-repayable funding to support the activities of sports associations/societies and committees/delegations organised in 2023’. The aim of this call for proposals is to support the regular and ongoing activities of the Lombardy sports system for the 2022/2023 sporting year, with the aim of strengthening grassroots sports activities in the region and promoting inclusion pathways.

Details of the call for proposals

The call provides for a non-repayable contribution of up to 80% of eligible expenditure, offering practical support to sports associations operating in Lombardy. This funding represents a valuable opportunity for sports associations in the Oltrepò Pavese area and throughout the region, enabling them to continue and expand their activities.

For more information on this scheme, visit the ‘Bandi’ section of our website.
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