

  • 69      Martina Prigione
Focus Oltrepò
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Yesterday afternoon, at the Pavia headquarters of the Banca Del Monte di Lombardia, excellences from the Oltrepò Pavese business world met to outline the objectives and strategies for tourism in the area

Yesterday afternoon in Pavia, at the headquarters of the Banca del Monte di Lombardia, an important assembly was held, chaired by Dr. Matteo Casagrande Paladini - General Manager of Colline e Oltre S.p.a - to discuss and approve the guidelines that will help strengthen the Oltrepò Pavese tourism sector and the induced activities that spread from it.

At the opening of the meeting, the President of the assembly thanked the Pavia Provincial Administration and the local Chamber of Commerce for their support and active collaboration, and extended a cordial greeting to Assolombarda for its presence at the working table. Seventy-three territorial excellences from the worlds of wine tourism, catering and accommodation were present, convinced that, with a view to working together and sharing objectives, an excellent joint project could be developed.

Speakers included Simone Scarani, president of the InOltre Association, who presented a summary of the projects carried out by hospitality operators (hotels, B&Bs, etc.) in the conviction that they would contribute to the relaunch of the area from a renewed tourism perspective. He emphasised how the mentality of Oltrepò Pavese has changed in recent months and the spirit of healthy cooperation between operators for the common wellbeing is increasingly evident. At the end of the speech, the floor was given to Giorgio Liberti, president of Tavole Oltre Po, who on his own behalf and on behalf of his associates, confirmed the new entrepreneurial spirit that is taking shape in the area and that animates the catering sector in a form of extended collaboration in which all operators are converging, abandoning old schemes and logics that have slowed the growth of the area

The president of the assembly wished to welcome the representatives of wine tourism who, on the occasion of this meeting, have shown great sensitivity to the project as well as interest and sharing of common ideals. Casagrande, in thanking them for their participation, emphasised that wine tourism operators are indispensable to the Oltrepò Pavese promotion project and how, in collaboration with restaurateurs and hoteliers, they can represent a strengthening of the elements that characterise our area 

One of the speakers was Alberto Giusti, a great connoisseur of technological innovation applied to start-ups, who in his speech provided stimuli on the new way of doing business, concluding by suggesting interesting opportunities and support tools for businesses. With a view to territorial development, Matteo Casagrande spoke on the important concepts of D.M.O. (Destination Management Organisation) and D.M.C. (Destination Management Company). Two different but at the same time related realities that deal with strategies in the coordinated management of all the elements that make up a tourist destination. Firmly believing in the territory‘s potential and, at the same time, in the need to carry out an effective and efficient form of communication, he anticipated the intention of Colline e Oltre spa to enter the shareholding structure of Focus, considering it to be the reference portal for Oltrepò Pavese. 

He passed the floor to Stefano Spalla (founder of Focus Oltrepò) who, after expressing his thanks for the trust and esteem shown, outlined the storyteller of this fascinating project that, in almost a year of work, has managed to capture the attention of the local, regional and international territory thanks to the translation of the site into four languages. Reconnecting with the speeches of the previous speakers, he emphasised how the success of tourism projects must necessarily be developed in a coordinated manner and from a common perspective and that, with these prerogatives, Focus Oltrepò will be a sure communication tool to support the territory
Patrizio Dolcini, national councillor of Legambiente and president of the Oltrepò section, illustrated the constitutive phases of the ‘Food District’, the project of which he is the promoter aimed at enhancing the products of our territory. Among the founding members of this important association are Slow Food Oltrepò, Touring Club, Italia Bio, Borghi più belli d‘Italia and numerous other structures capable of contributing to the valorisation of the territory.

Luca Borroni of Innovo Renewables spoke with a view to respecting the environment and improving the efficiency of accommodation facilities. In his speech, he suggested environmentally friendly tools that can attract tourist flows in a green deal perspective. The opportunities offered, with a view to close cooperation at zero cost, to hospitality facilities interested those present, who, with this proposal, will be able to have free car and/or bike recharging stations to make available to their customers.

At the conclusion of the proceedings and before opening the individual meetings of the InOltre and Top associations, the chairman of the meeting wished the operators and the territory every success, assuring them of the support of Colline e Oltre Spa and its reference shareholders (Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia). 

Happy Oltrepò to all! 

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