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Focus Oltrepò
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Salame Nostrano di Stradella is much more than a simple sausage: it represents a historical and cultural heritage, rooted in the ancient traditions of the families of the Oltrepò Pavese. This gastronomic delicacy is not only a symbol of the area‘s rich food and wine culture, but is also a living testimony to the craftsmanship and love of tradition that distinguishes this region.

The history of Salame Nostrano di Stradella has its roots in the farming practices of the Oltrepò Pavese, where pig breeding was essential for the sustenance of families. ‘Of the pig, nothing is thrown away’ was the motto that reflected the wisdom and parsimony of the local farmers. Every part of the animal was used, processed into a variety of products that ensured nourishment throughout the year. Salami, in particular, was one of the most precious sausages, destined for special occasions and moments of conviviality.

The De.Co. Mark and Cultural Recognition
For its deep connection with the territory and its unique characteristics, Salame Nostrano di Stradella was awarded the De.Co. (Denominazione Comunale di Origine) mark. This recognition not only guarantees the quality of the product, but also promotes and represents the Municipality of Stradella on a cultural and food and wine level. The De.Co. mark is a certificate of authenticity, confirming that the salami is produced according to ancient local traditions and with top quality ingredients.

The Traditional Recipe
The goodness and quality of Salame Nostrano di Stradella are guaranteed by a traditional recipe handed down from generation to generation. The basic ingredients include pork, salt, pepper, flavourings, sugar and wine. 
However, it is not just a simple list of ingredients; what makes this salami unique are the secrets of their processing.

The Meat
The meat used comes from pigs that are strictly over 9 months old and weigh over 180 kg. These pigs are reared under conditions that meet strict quality standards, thus guaranteeing excellent raw material. Slaughtering takes place in certified plants located in the provinces of Pavia, Cremona and Parma. After selection of the prime cuts, the meat is left to rest overnight in cold storage. This step is crucial to maintain the organoleptic properties of the meat. Subsequently, the meat is coarsely minced, thus preserving its characteristic texture.

The Wine
Wine is another fundamental ingredient in the production of Salame Nostrano di Stradella. The preparation of the wine involves letting it rest overnight together with garlic, which adds a distinctive aromatic note. After this stage, the wine is carefully filtered to remove any impurities, thus guaranteeing excellent quality.

The Production Process
Once all the ingredients are ready, the mixture is mixed and stuffed into natural casings. This step requires great craftsmanship, as the stuffing must be done evenly and without air bubbles. 
Subsequently, the salami is tied and placed to mature in a humid environment.

Maturing is one of the most delicate and important phases in the production of Salame Nostrano di Stradella. The ‘filzette’, i.e. smaller salamis, require a maturing period of at least 80 days. For the ‘cuciti’ type, i.e. the larger salami, the maturing time is longer, allowing the salami to fully develop its flavours and aromas.

Taste and Consistency
The result of this careful and meticulous process is a salami with an unmistakable flavour, with a perfect balance between the sweetness of the meat and the spiciness of the pepper and herbs. The texture is soft yet firm, with a coarse grain that makes each slice a unique experience.

Salame Nostrano di Stradella is a real jewel of the Italian food and wine tradition. Every phase of its production, from the selection of the meat to the maturing process, is taken care of with extreme attention to guarantee a product of the highest quality. Thanks to the De.Co. mark, this salami not only represents the Municipality of Stradella, but also becomes an ambassador of the territory‘s excellence. Tasting it means immersing oneself in a history of flavours, traditions and passion that has been handed down from generation to generation.


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