
From tradition to consumer, from events to territory: the schita

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Focus Oltrepò
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A traditional recipe from the Oltrepò Pavese area, it represents the expression of its ancient peasant gastronomic culture. There are two variants: salted or sweet with the addition of sugar. Present at many events, it deserves its rightful place in order to safeguard its value.

The Oltrepò is known for its vocation for the production of excellent wines, such as Bonarda, Sangue di Giuda and Pinot Noir, and for its gastronomy, the fruit of passion, use of the products of the land and local culture. Together they know how to be an excellence of the local restaurant industry and a major attraction for tourists.

Within the local food tradition, schita represents a typical dish that has unfortunately been lost over time. Fortunately, it is still present in many local festivals and fairs, combining its gastronomic concept with that of focaccia. Its products are simple: flour, water, salt and lard or oil for frying makes it a simple and very popular dish.

It has returned to several restaurants to accompany good local cold meats and cheeses, such as Varzi salami, coppa Piacentina, Molana and Pizzocorno. There are also those who prefer the sweet version, with jams and preserves made from Volpedo peaches or chocolate creams. There are many possible combinations that make it a winner, especially when accompanied by a good glass of Pavia wine.

In this context, schita is a common denominator.There is no locality or family in the Oltrepò Pavese area that has not prepared this unleavened flatbread, synonymous with a sugary snack or tasty accompaniment to cold meats and cheeses.

In the Oltrepò Pavese, where it is also called ‘schita d‘la non‘a, ‘farsùla‘ or ‘paradèl‘a, the schita is also eaten without any additions, but today there are different versions, sweet, adding a pinch of sugar or a drop of honey, and savoury.

The schita, in dialect, was also called cola, as the dough used to make it was similar to that used as glue for making papier-mâché or gluing paper.

The opportunities to promote local tourism through the simple schita are numerous. Gathering events in one‘s own community, local events for social purposes or fundraising can stimulate both the associations organising the event and the host municipalities.

If, to these noble motivations, we add others such as the support made available by the Region of Lombardy, then the scope of the event could take on greater strength in terms of both visibility and marketing, being able to count on incentives that, however you want to look at them, are of great support
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