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Focus Oltrepò
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In the heart of the picturesque Oltrepò Pavese region, the village of Romagnese guards one of Italy‘s most fascinating and evocative treasures: the Romagnese Castle. Imposing and majestic, this medieval castle enchants visitors with its thousand-year history, its imposing architecture and its legends shrouded in mystery.

A fascinating thousand-year history

Its origins date back to the 12th century, when it was erected by the powerful Dal Verme family, a name that resonates among Italy‘s most important noble families. Although the exact time of its construction is shrouded in mystery, historical documents indicate that the surviving wing of this ancient defensive bastion was erected between the 14th and 15th centuries. Jacopo Dal Verme, a prominent figure of that period, established numerous fiefdoms in the Oltrepò Pavese, and the Castle of Romagnese was one of the jewels in his feudal crown.

Architecture: A Harmonious Fusion of Style and Functionality

The architecture of Romagnese Castle is a true spectacle for the eyes, with its trapezoidal stone quadrilateral rising majestically against the sky. Spur-vaulted at the base on the south and west sides, the castle still retains its original keep, which has a Guelph nature and a canopy rebuilt in the 19th century. Architectural elements such as the fornix arch, rectangular windows and narrow loopholes tell stories of defence and nobility, while the circular openings add a touch of charm and functionality.

Legends and Mysteries: The Underground to the Unknown
But it is not only its majestic architecture that enchants visitors. The Castle of Romagnese is shrouded in millenary legends and compelling mysteries. It is said that ancient secrets are hidden beneath its imposing walls, such as the dungeon that, according to legend, leads directly to the hamlet of Costa. This dark and winding corridor is steeped in fascination and mystery, inviting adventurers and the curious to explore its hidden secrets.

From the Past to the Present: A Real Heritage

Today, Romagnese Castle continues to play a central role in the life of the local community. Municipal property, the castle houses the Town Hall and municipal offices, while its rooms house the Romagnese Museum of Rural Art. This precious historical heritage not only recounts the exploits of the nobles who once inhabited it, but also the history and culture of the region, through evidence of the art and daily life of its inhabitants.

Conservation and Enhancement: A Perpetual Commitment

The preservation and enhancement of Romagnese Castle are essential to ensure that this historic jewel continues to enchant and inspire present and future generations. Through restoration initiatives, cultural events and guided tours, the community of Romagnese is committed to preserving the beauty and importance of this heritage for generations to come.
The Castle of Romagnese, with its compelling history, majestic architecture and millenary mysteries, remains a tangible testimony to the glorious past and vibrant culture of the Oltrepò Pavese. To visit this castle is to immerse oneself in a journey through time, to discover an era of nobility, chivalry and timeless adventures.
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