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Focus Oltrepò
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In the heart of Oltrepò Pavese, amidst lush plains and rolling hills, stands Montebello della Battaglia, a place steeped in history, charm and beauty. This picturesque village, enveloped in the green of vineyards and fields, is witness to epic events that shaped the destiny of entire nations and inspired immortal literary works.

The Theatre of Heroic Battles

The very name Montebello evokes the heroism and determination that characterised the famous battle of 20 May 1859. In that epic clash, Piedmontese cavalry and French infantry troops clashed with the Austrian 5th Army Corps, valiantly repelling repeated attacks. This battle, so important that it led to the creation of the ‘Lancieri di Montebello’ regiment, marked a turning point in Italian military history.

The inauguration of the Ossuary in 1882, erected in memory of the fallen of the three armies involved, underlines the importance and sacrifice of those who fought on these fields. The monument, located right on the battlefield, is a touching tribute to the memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of their country.

Tales of Heroism and Sacrifice

But the history of Montebello della Battaglia is not only made up of heroes and epic battles. It is also interwoven with moving stories and individual deeds that have left a deep imprint on the social and cultural fabric of the region.
One of these touching stories is that of the young boy from the Voghera countryside, immortalised in the famous tale ‘La piccola vedetta lombarda’ (The Little Lombard Lookout) by Edmondo De Amicis. His story of sacrifice and courage, symbolised by his heroic gesture of climbing a tree to scrutinise the advance of enemy troops, remains etched in the collective memory as an example of devotion to the homeland and spirit of sacrifice.

The Charm of Castles and Noble Houses

In addition to heroic deeds and moving tales, Montebello della Battaglia also boasts an architectural heritage of inestimable value. Among its hills stands the imposing Beccaria Castle, a noble residence built towards the end of the 15th century at the behest of the Beccaria, an illustrious Italian family. Throughout the centuries, the castle has hosted various noble families, helping to shape the history and identity of this fascinating community.

A Place of Memory and Beauty

Montebello della Battaglia is much more than just a village in the heart of the Oltrepò Pavese. It is a place charged with historical and cultural significance, where heroism, sacrifice and beauty blend harmoniously. Through its cobbled streets and breathtaking landscapes, this picturesque location continues to enchant and inspire, keeping alive the memory of the heroic deeds and moving tales that have made it famous over the centuries.
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