
DAYS OF TERRITORIAL PROMOTION - Legambiente Voghera Oltrepò - Most Beautiful Villages in Italy

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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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As part of the event promoted by "Legambiente Voghera Oltrepò" with the "Borghi più belli d‘Italia" Association, a series of events of great tourist appeal will be held on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May to support the territorial promotion of the Oltrepò Pavese area

Our Oltrepò is in everyone‘s heart. Disclosing its beauty and characteristics is the commitment of many, but the commitment to the area demonstrated in recent weeks by Legambiente Voghera Oltrepò with proposals for fascinating itineraries is concrete proof of this. To reinforce this commitment, the ‘Borghi più belli d‘Italia‘ (Italy‘s most beautiful villages) Association is also taking the field, with which Legambiente is promoting a two-day event with a very intense programme, as can be read in the programme downloadable from the link below. The venue of the event will be Fortunago (PV) which, in addition to being a pearl of the Oltrepò, is recognised as a village of great charm both locally and nationally.

Given the numerous events, we refer you to reading the programme, merely pointing out that this event will be able to satisfy various needs and expectations: from walks to discovering the village of Fortunago, from meetings with famous authors to yoga sessions, from the exhibition of handicrafts to meditation. In short, a large container to open to discover part of our local and cultural fabric.

The ‘Territorial Promotion Days‘ are also a first moment of presentation of the constituting Food District. This is a legal entity of considerable local relevance that brings together associations, companies and local authorities all aimed, each with their own skills, at the development and valorisation of local food chains, agricultural products, activities linked to sustainable tourism and with a vocation for the social promotion of our territory.

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