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Focus Oltrepò
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Hidden in the hills of Oltrepò Pavese are the Orridi di Sant‘Antonino, a little-known natural treasure that offers breathtaking landscapes and a fascinating geological history. This karstic jewel, often compared to the famous Grand Canyon, is a place that deserves to be explored and admired up close.

Located near the municipality of Torrazza Coste, the Orridi di Sant‘Antonino are deep, narrow valleys that were formed by the erosive action of watercourses over millions of years. Cut deeply into the limestone and clay rocks of the area, these ‘gorges‘ have vertical walls that rise 20-30 metres, creating a breathtaking and evocative panorama.

A geological journey through time

The formation of the Orridi di Sant‘Antonino dates back some five million years, during the Pliocene period, when this region was still submerged by the sea. The marine sediments deposited during that time have been transformed over millennia, giving rise to the limestone rocks and clay marls that characterise the landscape today.

A unique hiking experience

For hiking and adventure enthusiasts, the Orridi di Sant‘Antonino offer a unique opportunity to explore the unspoilt nature and breathtaking views of the Oltrepò Pavese. Along the paths that cross these canyons, it is possible to admire the wild beauty of the local flora and fauna at close quarters, while venturing between the rock walls and ravines that characterise the landscape.

A geological and naturalistic treasure

In addition to their scenic beauty, the Orridi di Sant‘Antonino are also an important geological and paleontological site. Among the rocks and canyon walls, a great variety of minerals and marine fossils can be found, evidence of the remote past of this region when it was still covered by the sea. Exploring these geological treasures offers a unique opportunity to understand Earth‘s history and the evolution of life on our planet.

Advice for visitors

For those who wish to visit the Sant‘Antonino gorges, it is advisable to pay attention to the condition of the path and the signs to reach the place. The road to the canyons can be narrow and inaccessible in places, so it is advisable to use a small vehicle. Furthermore, it is important to respect the surroundings and follow the rules of a good tourist to preserve the natural beauty of this unique place.

The Orridi di Sant‘Antonino represent one of the hidden treasures of the Oltrepò Pavese, a place where the wild beauty of nature combines with the geological and palaeontological history of the region. Exploring these canyons is an unforgettable experience that offers breathtaking views and the chance to immerse yourself in the beauty and richness of nature. If you are looking for adventure and discovery, do not miss the opportunity to visit the Sant‘Antonino Gorges and be enchanted by their timeless beauty.

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