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Focus Oltrepò
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Various incentives have been introduced in the agricultural sector to support young entrepreneurs and promote the development of agriculture in the Oltrepò Pavese area, fostering economic growth, innovation and sustainability in the sector.

In our area, interventions aimed at facilitating the establishment and permanence of young people in the agricultural activity can be exploited, with the objective of relaunching the competitiveness and vitality of the sector.

In order to promote the dissemination and knowledge of these tools, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the opportunities available to young people who want to start a farm business. The different support instruments will be examined in order to help potential entrepreneurs understand what possibilities are available to them and to help them make informed decisions for their future in agriculture.

Law No 36 of 15 March 2024 on subsidised taxation

This law provides tax benefits for agricultural entrepreneurs between the ages of eighteen and forty-one who start a business in the sector. The benefits include the possibility of opting for a subsidised tax regime for the first five years, which provides for the payment of a 12.5% substitute tax.

To be eligible for this subsidised scheme, beneficiaries must meet certain requirements, including not having carried out any other agricultural business activities in the previous three years.


The Ismea ‘Più Impresa‘ measure

This measure, initially intended only for young people up to the age of 41 and subsequently extended to women with no age limit, is aimed at

  • agricultural enterprises set up no more than six months ago, with a transferor company that has been active for at least two years, and is economically and financially sound;

  • agricultural businesses that have been active for at least two years and are economically and financially sound.

This measure provides for:

  • a subsidised interest-free loan for a maximum duration of 10 years (15 years for initiatives in the agricultural production sector) for an amount not exceeding 60% of eligible expenditure

  • non-repayable grant of up to 35% of eligible expenditure.

ISI call 2023-2024

The call for proposals ISI 2023-2024, published by INAIL, offers non-repayable contributions to finance investments aimed at improving health and safety in the workplace. The call is open to all companies active on Italian territory, including individual companies, registered with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture.  The funding granted can range from €5,000 to €130,000, covering up to 65% of the investment. However, in the agricultural sector, entrepreneurs up to 40 years of age can benefit from 80% non-repayable financing.


In general, the above-mentioned agricultural support tools bring considerable benefits to Oltrepò Pavese by favouring business development, the creation of new jobs, innovation and economic growth in the area. Thanks to these initiatives, local enterprises can be more competitive, attract investments and contribute to the valorisation and improvement of resources and activities in the area.

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