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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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Oltrepò Pavese, a land of ancient traditions and breathtaking landscapes, hides natural and cultural treasures ready to be discovered. And what better way than by walking, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the beauty of its paths? In this context, the ‘camminandoinoltrepo‘ initiative stands out for accompanying enthusiasts to the discovery of evocative routes, including the places immortalised in the pages of Rosa Mangini‘s ‘La Rivoluzione, Forse Domani‘.

The proposed route takes us to visit Zenevredo and Montù Beccaria, offering an unforgettable experience along 11 kilometres, to be covered in about 2 hours and 40 minutes. The road, mixed and characterised by muddy stretches, requires attention but promises intense emotions.

We leave the Regione S. Zeno car park in Stradella and set off towards the first stage of our journey: Zenevredo. Along the path, we are fascinated by the nature that surrounds us, climbing the hill until we reach Località Cadonica. Here, we leave the asphalt behind us and enter the vineyards, following the path that leads us towards Novella.

After passing through the picturesque village, we plunge into the rows of vines and let the magic of the landscape guide us until we reach Provincial Road 85 at Zenevredo. We drive through this enchanting village, admiring the valley of the Paolone stream and letting ourselves be captivated by the sight of the turret, a symbol of romance and passion, the place where the protagonists Michele and Melania of Rosa Mangini‘s story dream and live out their love story.

Continuing along Provincial Road 134, we reach Montù Beccaria, passing enchanting places such as Località Casa Nuova and Frazione Moriano. In this picturesque village, we head towards the parish church and reach the high part where the Castellazzo stands, from which we enjoy a spectacular view of the surrounding hills.

The return towards Stradella gives us further excitement, with a diversion that takes us to Casa del Pozzo, from where we descend along a path that runs alongside two houses and leads us to Cima, before returning to the starting point.

In conclusion, the route proposed by "camminandoinoltrepo" not only offers us the opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the Oltrepò Pavese, but also allows us to immerse ourselves in the romantic and evocative atmospheres of Rosa Mangini‘s "La Rivoluzione, Forse Domani". An unforgettable experience, a journey through history and nature that leaves an imprint in the hearts of everyone who walks it. Enjoy the walk!

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