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Focus Oltrepò
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In the heart of the picturesque village of Varzi, in the enchanting region of Lombardy, shine two medieval gems: Porta Soprana and Porta Sottana. These majestic gates, coeval yet distinctive, are silent witnesses to the passage of centuries, guardians of millennial histories and guardians of the ancient town.

Soprana Gate

The eastern gate Porta Soprana, imposing and majestic, stands proudly in the eastern part of Varzi. Dating back to the Middle Ages, this gateway has undergone several transformations over the centuries, but still retains its original charm. The architecture of Porta Soprana reveals a fusion of styles and influences, from its Gothic arches to the characteristic round arch over the main entrance. 

The tall and imposing gate emerges with its greyish stone, a tangible testimony to the craftsmanship of the time. But it is not only its impressiveness that catches the eye; it is also its history steeped in legends and historical events. Porta Soprana has witnessed countless events, from medieval processions to struggles for control of the city. Its crucial role in Varzi‘s past is engraved in the very stones that make it up. 

Porta Sottana 

The Western Bastion Located in the western part of Varzi, Porta Sottana stands with an understated grace and enviable solidity. Unlike its eastern counterpart, Porta Sottana has kept its original appearance intact, almost like a relic untouched by the passage of time. Its quadrangular structure, with its stone walls proudly resisting the passage of centuries, is a testament to the robustness and resilience of medieval architecture.  The intricate details of the hinges carved in stone and the pedestrian and carriageway subway give Porta Sottana an aura of mystery and charm. 

Porta Sottana is not only a historical monument, but also a focal point of Varzi‘s daily life. It has played a vital role in controlling access to the city and in the perception of gabelle, keeping the tradition and culture of the village alive. A Heritage to Preserve Both gates, Soprana and Sottana, are precious jewels in Varzi‘s historical treasure trove. 

In addition to bearing witness to the strategic importance of the town over the centuries, they are also tourist attractions and landmarks for the town‘s residents. The ‘casone‘, which stands next to Porta Sottana, contains not only historical fireplaces, but also precious memories of the daily life of its inhabitants over time. The staircase leading to the patrol path on the castle wall offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the history and traditions of Varzi. Preserving and protecting these medieval treasures is a duty for future generations. They are not just stone monuments, but guardians of the stories and experiences of those who inhabited and defended this town over the centuries. May Porta Soprana and Porta Sottana continue to shine, like beacons in the darkness of time, for generations to come.

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