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Hidden in the rolling hills of Colli Verdi, the Dal Verme Castle of Torre degli Alberi rises majestically, a silent witness to centuries of history and noble intrigue. With its imposing tower standing proudly on top of a steep hill, this castle enchants visitors with its aura of mystery and timeless charm.

Imposing Architecture:

The heart of Torre degli Alberi Castle is its tall, mighty tower, which stands proudly as a lone sentinel over the surrounding countryside. The tower, built of mixed stone and brickwork, has a square base and a projecting apparatus that emphasises its solidity and ancient majesty. Deprived of battlements, the tower is crowned by a cordonade supported by corbels, adding a touch of elegance to its imposing profile. Around the tower, a series of adjoining buildings, modified over the centuries, give the castle the appearance of an aristocratic country residence, maintained with care and respect for its history.


A Journey Through Time:

The history of Dal Verme Castle in Torre degli Alberi dates back to at least the mid-15th century, when it was allegedly erected by the powerful Dal Verme family. Originally from Verona, the Dal Verme family left an indelible mark on the history of the region, thanks to their exploits as condottieri in the service of the Visconti of Milan. The castle, initially used as a lookout post for the nearby castle of Zavattarello, has seen numerous transformations over the centuries, reflecting the vicissitudes and evolutions of the family and the surrounding area.

During the Second World War, Torre degli Alberi Castle was the scene of tragic events when German troops invaded and sacked the structure, leaving behind an inscription testifying to the resistance and courage of its inhabitants. Luchino Dal Verme, also known by his battle name Maino, commander of the ‘Casotti‘ partisan brigade, played a significant role in the liberation of Casteggio and Milan, demonstrating his determination and commitment in the fight against the fascist regime.


A Legacy To Preserve:

Today, the Dal Verme Castle in Torre degli Alberi is not only a symbol of history and nobility, but also a treasure to be preserved and protected for future generations. Its evocative location and impressive architecture continue to enchant visitors, offering them a journey through centuries of adventure and noble intrigue. Through conservation and restoration programmes, the castle remains a beacon of culture and history in the region, inspiring and educating present and future generations about the richness of its historical and artistic heritage.

Dal Verme Castle in Torre degli Alberi thus remains a living embodiment of the region‘s glorious past, a place where history, art and nature blend harmoniously, creating an unforgettable experience for anyone privileged enough to visit.

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