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Focus Oltrepò
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The prices of agricultural products on greengrocers‘ and supermarkets‘ counters are reaching record levels, but farmers are struggling. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel: zero-kilometre products from the Oltrepò Pavese can support the local economy and enable consumers to save money.

Farmers in the Oltrepò Pavese are in a critical situation: the prices they manage to set for sales of their products often do not cover production costs and are devalued by competition from cheaper foreign products. Despite this, in the shops consumers find these products with a markup of up to 7 times the price received by the farmers, generating a double damage for both the producer and the buyer.

This economic disparity puts the sustainability of farms at risk and prompts farmers to protest against this crisis situation. To counter this phenomenon, it is crucial to support the purchase of local products at 0 km, in order to support our farmers and ensure a sustainable supply chain that allows direct sales from producer to consumer at lower prices and without the need for intermediaries. 

Buying directly from local producers in the Oltrepò Pavese area is not only a way to save money, but also a concrete support to the culinary tradition and the enhancement of the territory.

The direct sales approach preserves the ancient food and wine traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation, offering consumers the chance to enjoy fresh, genuine, high-quality, zero-kilometre products. This not only contributes to the preservation of local flavours and the promotion of local culture, but also encourages a more conscious and sustainable consumption practice.

Choosing local products is not only an act of responsibility towards the environment and the territory, but also a gesture of solidarity towards those who work the land with passion and dedication.

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