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Fortunago, a village where artistic excellence and memory come together, a journey into the cultural excellence of its auditorium in the everlasting memory of Senator Azzaretti. The story of the event thanks to the pleasant description of Ape Melliflora

(by Katiuscia Girgenti)


And as in every self-respecting kingdom, a reception was also held in Fortunago, in Oltrepò Pavese, the event of the year. The first citizen, an outspoken man, with a noble soul and a name that has something of the mythological ‘Piè ..Pier Achille‘. Ah, yes sorry!!! A turquoise-clad Fairy‘s ‘Message‘ rang in my ear, Pier Achille Lanfranchi was her name. She had Uncle Patri send me an invitation, written in beautiful calligraphy, which read as follows: "Your Lordship (I am still the queen of my beehive) would like to attend the dedication of our Royal Theatre" to an enlightened man of science, Senator Giovanni Azzaretti.

Listen how well I pronounce it....I must be a bee!!! Azzaretti..And yet it fits perfectly, spelled "Theatre ..Giovanni. Azzaretti". Music to my antennae ... Sure what to wear to go to such an event? Decided!!! I will bring my most beautiful jewel, a seawater, clear stone, simple, strong, "Blue" and pure …

It was still mid-afternoon and with Uncle Patri acting as Knight, we found ourselves in the square packed with people. The uniformed officers with banners, the band in their red cloths, with gold buttons, played their instruments festively. The parish priest blessed everyone in front of the sumptuous theatre, a treasure chest of what has been and what is to come. 

Invited into the bright atrium, we climbed the white marble stairs, shining under the crystal lights, leading to the stalls, facing the stage.  We sat on the classic red armchairs and were followed by ministers, councillors, honorary citizens to pay homage to the work of the late Giovanni Azzaretti, who shared with the good Lanfranchi the ambitious project of bringing culture to the inland areas, as a language of sharing and growth of our communities.

Artists, musicians, baritones, sopranos followed, until the rich banquet was announced by the ‘Ambrosia‘ bee of the nearby ‘Casareggio‘. at the edge of the ‘Pineta‘.. A triumph of delicacies and flavours from the territory . The cake, with a cascade of berries, could not be missed.

It was now time to say goodbye and, with eyes full of satisfaction, we bid farewell to the Patron of the House. We exited the theatre and were greeted by the gushing fountains in the Piazza, in a dance of lights and colours, magical reflections of the night and a symbol of regeneration, the olive tree. Who knows perhaps a promise of new prosperity for future generations.

So, with the flight through the foliage of a young olive tree, for one last photo, APE Meliflora & Friends bid you farewell and invite you to two important days. Mark it on your calendar 11-12/05 to discover the wonders of Fortunago, amidst palaces, markets, cuisine, wild herbs, territory, art, history and culture at the Giovanni Azzaretti Theatre, with the friends of the Constituendo Distretto del Cibo Oltrepò (Oltrepò Food District).


L‘Ape Meliflora & Friends

by Katiuscia Girgenti

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