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Focus Oltrepò
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In the heart of the picturesque Oltrepò Pavese region, among green hills dotted with vineyards and ancient medieval villages, lies a gastronomic treasure that will enchant the most demanding palates: the Miccone di Stradella. This hard white bread, with its golden crust and soft crumb, represents a centuries-old tradition that is interwoven with the history and culture of this fascinating Lombard land.

An introduction to the historical roots

The origins of the Miccone di Stradella are rooted in centuries gone by, when the mills along the Versa stream provided the necessary power to grind wheat and produce high quality flour. As far back as the 18th century, this bread was made from a mixture of soft and wholemeal wheat flours, giving the final product a unique character and a deep bond with the land that generated it.

Craftsmanship: a long and laborious tradition

The creation of Miccone di Stradella is an artisan process that requires patience, skill and respect for ancient techniques handed down from generation to generation. The dough, carefully prepared using soft wheat flour, water, natural yeast, salt and lard, is left to rise for at least 24 hours, allowing the flavours to develop fully and giving the bread that irresistible fragrance that sets it apart.

During the kneading process, the dough is skilfully manipulated to obtain the desired consistency, and then moulded into typical ‘bauletto‘ shapes reminiscent of a sea shell. After a second rising and an incision on the top, the bread is ready to be baked, giving the house an enveloping aroma that anticipates the pleasure of authentic tasting.

The taste of authenticity: a delight for the senses

Miccone di Stradella enchants the senses with its crisp, golden crust, which encloses a soft, fragrant crumb. The strong flavour of the soft wheat blends harmoniously with the sweet notes of the natural yeast, creating a perfect balance that makes this bread irresistible to gourmets.

Thanks to its compact consistency and lower moisture content, Miccone di Stradella can keep for a long time without losing its fragrance and authentic flavour, making it the ideal companion for every moment of the day, from morning to evening.

A tradition to be preserved

In spite of its long history and cultural value, the production of Miccone di Stradella is threatened by several factors, including the complexity of artisanal production and its limited diffusion outside the local area. However, thanks to the commitment and passion of a few bakers who continue to jealously guard the ancient recipes and traditional techniques, this gastronomic treasure continues to shine in the Oltrepò Pavese culinary panorama.

Discovering the Miccone di Stradella: a journey into the heart of the Oltrepò

For those who wish to live an authentic and unforgettable experience, a journey into the Oltrepò Pavese to discover the Miccone di Stradella is an opportunity not to be missed. From the artisan workshops of local bakers to the rustic trattorias that proudly serve it, every corner of this fascinating region offers a taste of its history and culinary tradition.

A tribute to local culture and gastronomy

The Miccone di Stradella is much more than just bread: it is a symbol of identity and belonging for the inhabitants of the Oltrepò Pavese, a gastronomic treasure that tells stories of ancient traditions and authentic flavours. Preserving and enhancing this precious heritage is the duty of all those who love and appreciate the richness of Italian culture, celebrating the beauty and authenticity of a unique territory.

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