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Focus Oltrepò
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The castle of Montesegale is a place where history merges with emotion. A unique experience that amazes the visitor with increasing emotions as one approaches the fortress.

Who has never dreamt of walking through the corridors of a castle, exploring ancient rooms steeped in history and discovering the secrets hidden behind centuries-old stone walls surrounded by a unique landscape? If this ‘dream‘ were to be placed geographically with a precise name, then the choice would fall in Oltrepò Pavese on the Castle of Montesegale. A fortress where every stone tells a chapter of epic adventures.

The Castle of Montesegale, despite the many transformations it has undergone over the centuries, retains intact its grandeur and its air of invulnerability that has distinguished it throughout history. This structure belonged for a very long time to the Gambarana family, who acquired the title of Lords of Montesegale in 1311 and gave the castle its current layout.

Situated on a dominant hill, this magnificent structure offers a breathtaking panoramic view, from the picturesque village below to the enchanting landscape of the Ardivestra Valley.

The castle is an extraordinarily complex piece of architecture, a veritable mosaic of courtyards and buildings dating back to different periods, all enclosed within a majestic fortified wall. This enclosure features square-based towers and scarped walls adorned with Ghibelline-style battlements, emphasising its imposing appearance and the defensive function it has performed over the centuries.

At the top of the castle is a vast bastioned embankment where a small fortress and a tower stand, which according to historical documents seem to represent the original part of the castle.

In 1971, the Jannuzzelli family purchased the castle and undertook extensive restoration work, turning part of the structure into a venue for cultural events. Since 1985, the castle has housed a private Contemporary Art Museum with works by artists such as Bartolini, Brindisi, Crippa, Guttuso, Schifano and Treccani. Various cultural events are also organised inside the castle throughout the year by invitation only, particularly during the summer period.

The Castle of Montesegale, with its millenary history, represents a symbol of strength and a living testimony to the history of the Oltrepò Pavese. Its dominant position and architectural beauty make it a place of great charm and cultural importance for our territory.

The beauty of this castle is a hymn to the grandeur of medieval architecture and contemporary art. Every stone, every fresco, every detail tells a story of skill and passion, transporting us into a world of timeless beauty. It is a place that knows how to amaze, where history comes to life within its walls and rooms while the heart fills with wonder at the magnificence of this historic jewel set in Oltrepò.

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