
POLENTA AND FRITTURA, emblem of the Italian culinary tradition

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Focus Oltrepò
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Polenta, an emblem of the Italian culinary tradition, is distinguished by its simplicity and versatility, embodying the essence of peasant cuisine handed down from generation to generation

Of pork, nothing is thrown away. This is well known by the elderly, who still remember how important the day the pig was slaughtered. Pork frying is part of the Lombard peasant tradition and in Oltrepò Pavese it is still very much alive. It was a real ritual of slaughtering that often took place around Christmas time. In this period between December and January, salami, pancetta and coppe were prepared, which had to be enough for the entire year.

Rationalisation also involved preserving some cuts, such as chops, in lard to preserve them during the winter. And if the pig bones were used to make soap and the bristles to make brushes, some parts were consumed immediately on the day of slaughter.

According to Pavia tradition, different cuts of meat are used to make pork fritters. From the heart, to the lungs, via the liver to the kidneys (kidneys). For the latter, a precise cleaning process must be carried out to preserve the good taste of frying. The kidneys must be cut vertically and the white inner part removed. Then they must be soaked in water and vinegar (some people also use milk) for one to two hours. Once all the meat is cooked, the best accompaniment is polenta. A timeless classic that goes hand in hand with what was once considered a poor man‘s product.


  • 200 g loin of pork loin

  • 200 g sausage

  • 100 g liver

  • 100 g lung

  • 100 g heart

  • 100 gr of kidneys

  • 50 g sweetbreads

  • 400 gr of onions

  • 50 gr of lard

  • flour

  • broth

  • bay leaves

  • red wine

  • Salt, pepper

  • 500 g cornflour

  • 2 l water

  • salt


Stew the onions in some lard. Add stock so that they do not become soft. Separately, fry the meats, except the liver. in the remaining lard after having mashed them in flour. Deglaze with the red wine and evaporate by raising the flame.

Add the meat to the onions, add the bay leaf and salt to taste. Cook with the stock for about thirty minutes. Add the liver and finish cooking for another 15 minutes.

Meanwhile boil the salted water. Add the cornflour and cook for the time indicated on the packet. Serve the polenta with the fried pork.


Wine pairing: BONARDA VIVACE IPAZIA 2022- Picchioni Andrea

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