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Focus Oltrepò
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Hidden amidst the green hills of the Oltrepò Pavese, the Sanctuary of the Passion emerges imposingly, a spiritual and cultural landmark that enchants visitors with its thousand-year history and majestic architecture. Located on the Torricella mountain, this sanctuary represents one of the most precious treasures of the province of Pavia, guardian of a rich religious and artistic heritage.

Ancient Origins and Spiritual Significance

Its roots go back to the Middle Ages, when the local Templars erected a modest chapel dedicated to Saint Mary on this site, which soon became a point of aggregation and devotion for the surrounding community. Over the centuries, the chapel witnessed numerous historical and religious events, keeping the flame of faith alive even in the darkest periods.

However, it was in the Baroque era that the sanctuary took on the form we know today. In 1764, on the initiative of the parish priest Filippo Montagna, the present majestic building was erected directly on the rock of the mountain, representing a masterpiece of sacred architecture that rises to the sky with skill and grace.

Architecture and Art: A Perfect Combination

The architecture of the Sanctuary of the Passion is a tribute to the skill and devotion of its builders. The building, built entirely on bare rock, stands imposing in its simplicity, with clean lines and harmonious proportions that catch the visitor‘s eye. The façade, adorned with Baroque decorations and symbolic elements, welcomes pilgrims with a sense of solemnity and peace.

But it is inside that the real spectacle unfolds. The walls are frescoed with scenes from the Passion of Christ, works by master painters that convey the intensity and spirituality of the theme. The altars, richly decorated with gilded sculptures and stucco, shine with their own light, while the stained glass windows filter the sunlight, creating a mystical and evocative atmosphere.

The Hidden Treasures: Holy Staircase and Way of the Cross

The Sanctuary of the Passion is the custodian of numerous spiritual treasures, among them the Holy Staircase and the Way of the Cross. The Holy Staircase, erected at the end of the 19th century, faithfully reproduces the original one in Jerusalem, offering devotees the possibility of making a spiritual pilgrimage by climbing the steps on their knees, promising indulgences and purification of the soul.

The Stations of the Cross, located in the square in front of the church, consists of 14 Baroque chapels representing the Stations of the Passion of Christ. Each chapel houses plaster and terracotta statues, works of art that narrate the episodes of the Via Dolorosa with intensity and realism, involving the faithful in a journey of prayer and meditation.

A Place of Devotion and Beauty

The Sanctuary of the Passion is much more than a simple religious building: it is a place where heaven and earth meet, where faith and art come together in harmony, elevating the soul and heart of those who visit it. Its panoramic position, offering a breathtaking view over the vineyards of the Oltrepò Pavese, makes it even more special, inviting visitors to contemplate the beauty of divine creation and find their own inner peace.

Moreover, the sanctuary has been recognised as a treasure to be preserved and enhanced: in 2020 it was the most voted property in the Oltrepò Pavese among the FAI Places of the Heart, confirming its status as a cultural and spiritual jewel to be protected for future generations.

In conclusion, the Sanctuary of the Passion represents a precious heritage that goes beyond the boundaries of time and space, a place where faith joins art and beauty, transforming every visit into an unforgettable and enlightening experience.

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