

  • 106      Filippo Maestri
Focus Oltrepò
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Tucked away among the rolling hills and lush meadows of the Oltrepò Pavese, stands a jewel of sacred architecture: the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian. Located in the picturesque village of Montesegale, this 16th century parish church captures the attention of visitors with its elegant presence on a hill overlooking the surrounding landscape.

An elegant testimony of faith and art

The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian stands proudly, revealing a neoclassical façade resplendent with understated beauty. An imposing portal, surmounted by a majestic window, welcomes the faithful and curious travellers, inviting them to explore the interior rich in history and spirituality.

A journey through time through its treasures

Once you cross the threshold, you find yourself immersed in an evocative and fascinating environment. The interior of the church welcomes visitors with its solemn atmosphere, enriched by sacred furnishings and precious works of art.

On the left wall, the 19th-century sandstone baptismal font stands out gracefully, bearing witness to ancient ceremonies of spiritual regeneration. Next to it, the two oval stoups and the delicate statue of the Madonna and Child, made by the renowned Montecucco di Gavi school, transport visitors to an era of devotion and artistic fervour.

The high altar: Symbol of simplicity and sacredness

At the centre of the church, the high altar presents itself with sober elegance. Made of dark marble and enriched with rose-coloured inserts, it is the centrepiece of liturgical celebrations and the prayers of the faithful. Its simplicity expresses the beauty of pure and sincere devotion.

Works of art that narrate faith

At the back of the church, a splendid painting catches the visitor‘s eye. Depicting Saints Cosmas and Damian, this work by the painter Galloni, dated 1925, captures the essence of faith and spirituality, taking observers on a journey through the holy lives of the two patron saints.

The bell tower: A spiritual beacon in the heart of Oltrepò

Testimony to the passage of centuries and architectural transformations, the bell tower of the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian rises majestically towards the sky. 30 metres high and designed by Voghera engineer Cavalier Giuseppe Selicorni, it marks time and calls the faithful to prayer with its melodious sound.

A place of peace and contemplation

Nestled in the hills of the Oltrepò Pavese, the Church of Saints Cosma and Damiano reveals itself not only as a place of worship, but also as an oasis of peace and contemplation. Here, between the ancient walls and silent frescoes, visitors can find solace and reflection, immersing themselves in the beauty of spirituality and history.

The Church of Saints Cosma and Damiano in Montesegale represents an authentic treasure of the Oltrepò Pavese, a place where faith and art blend harmoniously to create a unique and unforgettable experience. With its fascinating architecture and artistic treasures, this church continues to inspire and enchant those who gaze upon it, remaining a tangible symbol of the region‘s rich spirituality and cultural heritage.

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