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Focus Oltrepò
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Legambiente Voghera Oltrepò and WWF Pavia Lodigiano, after having carried out a detailed analysis of the territorial and economic impacts attributable to swine fever, put forward proposals for dealing with the problem in a concrete and decisive manner in the interests of the community, the landscape and the companies that may be damaged

joint statement/communiqué by Legambiente Voghera Oltrepò and WWF Pavia Lodigiano

The recent findings of wild boar carcasses, concentrated almost exclusively in Val Nizza, suggest a peak in the PSA epidemic. The only response that has been fielded so far is that of systematic beating aimed at eradicating wild boars from the territory, which, in addition to appearing fanciful and unrealistic, has demonstrated its ineffectiveness, as evidenced precisely by the peak of PSA in this period.

We therefore reiterate, as we have already done on several occasions, the need to put in place different measures, since we have our doubts as to whether all useful practices for containing the virus have been put in place. First of all, we consider it useful and necessary to involve experts from the University of Pavia who, moreover, already work in the area to monitor and study wildlife. 

We think it would be useful to check the possibility of applying contraception and sterilisation techniques to female boars, as has already happened elsewhere. In our opinion, territorial containment methods must also be assessed, given that carcasses have almost only been found in Val Nizza, in addition to the precautionary halt to the 2024/2025 hunting season. In addition, the state of surface waters must be assessed, believing that this data should be properly investigated and at least exclude the presence of poisoned baits, certainly not to deny PSA but rather to get a clear picture of the situation. 

Last but not least, timely and clear information is needed for local authorities, citizens and tourist and economic operators in the area. The neighbouring Province of Piacenza has taken steps in this direction and we believe it is a good practice to follow in Oltrepò as well.

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