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Focus Oltrepò
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In the heart of the picturesque Oltrepò pavese plain, between the municipalities of Pavia and Voghera, stands the majestic Castle of Branduzzo. A timeless symbol of history, architecture and nobility, it has dominated the landscape with its grandeur and charm for centuries. However, behind its ancient walls lurks a history of decline and neglect, a tale of neglect that threatens to erase the rich legacy of this historic residence.

Ancient History and Renaissance Glories

The origins of Branduzzo Castle go back as far as 1298, when it was entrusted to the noble Botta family, whose exploits shaped the events of this place for centuries. In the early years of its existence, the castle was a bastion of power and prestige, a symbol of wealth and influence in the region. Its architecture reflects the different epochs that have marked its history: the minor towers, recalling the Visconti style, stand proudly next to the imposing major towers, testimony to the influence of the Sforza family and the Lombard Renaissance.

Memorable events took place within the castle walls, such as the sumptuous wedding banquet of 1489, which celebrated the union between Isabella of Aragon and Gian Galeazzo Sforza, an event that was to remain imprinted for centuries to come as a moment of great splendour and refinement.

Decline and Abandonment

However, despite its glorious past, Branduzzo Castle witnessed a long period of decline and abandonment. As the centuries passed, the fortunes of the Botta family declined, leaving the castle exposed to the ravages of time and human indifference. Lack of funds for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance led to a progressive degradation of its structures, while theft and vandalism undermined the integrity of its precious works of art and architecture.

A Call to Rebirth

Today, Branduzzo Castle stands as a warning from the past, a cry of alarm calling for resolute action to preserve its heritage and restore it to its former glory. Owned by the Parrocchetti Piantanida and Guidobono Cavalchini families, the castle needs targeted intervention and adequate investment to bring it back to life and open it to the public.

Its grandeur, illustrious past and enchanting surroundings deserve to be preserved for future generations. Organisations sensitive to Italy‘s cultural heritage, such as Luoghi del Cuore (Italian Places of the Heart), are called upon to join in this endeavour, offering their support and commitment to safeguard this jewel of the Oltrepò Pavese.

Branduzzo Castle eagerly awaits the day when its doors will reopen to the public, when the sound of visitors‘ footsteps will once again resound within its ancient walls, bringing with it the promise of a new era of splendour and rebirth. And that, we are sure, is about to happen.

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