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Focus Oltrepò
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The Golden Onion of Voghera, a jewel of Lombardy agriculture, tells a centuries-old story rooted in the fields of the 19th century. With its intense golden yellow colour and pungent character, this variety is an icon of the local culinary tradition.

The ‘Cipolla dorata di Voghera‘ is much more than just a vegetable: it represents a deep-rooted tradition in the Lombardy region, a culinary heritage that has its roots in the 19th century and has been maintained over the decades as a symbol of agricultural wealth and local food and wine culture.

The history of this onion variety is intertwined with the very history of the Voghera area and surrounding municipalities, where the climatic conditions and fertile clay soil have favoured its cultivation. Since the 19th century, local farmers have cultivated this precious variety in rotation with other crops, keeping alive a practice that has become a cornerstone of the area‘s agricultural tradition.

What makes the Golden Onion of Voghera so unique is its slightly flattened spinning top shape and its intense golden yellow colour that characterise its appearance. But it is not only its appearance that makes it special: its intense flavour, with a marked pungency and distinctive savouriness, makes it an ingredient with unique sensory qualities.
The versatility of this onion is surprising: its excellent storage capacity allows it to be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen. It can be eaten raw in salads, giving it a strong flavour, or it can be used in preparations that require long cooking times, such as stir-fries, gratins, soups and flatbreads. Its presence in traditional local cuisine has been handed down from generation to generation, enriching typical dishes and also reinterpreted in modern recipes.

The rediscovery and re-launch of the Golden Onion of Voghera took place thanks to the efforts of the Producers‘ Consortium, which has dedicated itself to promoting this unique variety. The adoption of modern agronomic techniques and attention to quality have contributed to preserving and promoting this gastronomic treasure, guaranteeing its presence on local tables and opening the door to its spread beyond regional borders.
The conservation of seeds in the University of Pavia‘s germplasm bank represents a concrete commitment to preserve the biodiversity and heritage of this variety, guaranteeing its continuity over time and its availability for future generations.

Ultimately, the Golden Onion of Voghera is not just a culinary ingredient, but a symbol of identity, history and passion for the land and the local gastronomic tradition, which continues to be a pillar of the food culture of the Lombardy region.
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