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Focus Oltrepò
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Fondazione Cariplo has become a full-fledged player in the economic revitalisation of the Oltrepò Pavese area. A determined partner for the sustainable relaunch of Oltrepò Pavese

Despite its numerous environmental, landscape, food and wine and cultural resources, the Oltrepò Pavese territory is still considered ‘a mountain area with unexpressed tourism‘, despite the fact that in recent years the tourism sector has been the only one that has really undergone both quantitative and qualitative development.

In the last ten years there has been an increase in arrivals in accommodation facilities (+15%) and this increase has also been matched by a slight growth in the accommodation offer with a positive variation in facilities and beds

According to data processed by the Lombardy Region, the greatest concentration of beds is in the mountain municipalities of Santa Margherita di Staffora and Brallo di Pregola, which have the highest number of hotels in the entire area. More modest is the accommodation capacity in the hill municipalities, substantially made up of farmhouse accommodation and B&Bs.

While in the past the area was a real holiday resort, today tourist flows are mostly of short duration (1-2 days) and come from the nearby metropolitan poles. In attracting these flows, a decisive role is played by the area‘s environmental peculiarities, especially in the mountain municipalities. 
 The greatest flows in terms of arrivals and presences are in the municipalities of Brallo di Pregola and Santa Margherita di Staffora. More modest are the tourist flows in the hilly municipalities, in spite of their considerable assets in terms of landscape and historical and cultural heritage, and where, however, the growing role of attraction played by restaurants and events, more and more numerous, that enhance the local food and wine offer, should be emphasised. These elements play an increasingly important role in tourism of this nature, as it requires a diversified offer capable of generating year-round flows.

In a context of rapid economic transformation, Fondazione Cariplo emerges as a fundamental pillar for the relaunch of Oltrepò Pavese. The tireless efforts made over the last two years by Colline e Oltre Spa in favour of the territory are now strengthened with the arrival of Fondazione Cariplo, which will be a driving force in adopting mode
The focus is on renewed economic development that aims to enhance the area‘s resources, promoting innovation and modernisation of activities without losing sight of the importance of cultural roots.

Organisational support will prove crucial in stimulating pioneering projects that encourage economic diversification, creating new employment opportunities and promoting sustainable growth. Collaboration with local actors and communities is at the heart of this initiative, highlighting an inclusive approach that takes into account the needs and aspirations of the local population.

Partnerships with national and local professionals aim to foster entrepreneurial entities from the tourism sector to catering, from wine production to saffron. Strategic advisor in the field of subsidised finance (calls for tenders, grants and subsidies) is Dr. Stefano Spalla, who has worked as an accountant for many years and has been a partner in the project for two years. Almost two million euros were requested by the professional to support local companies through the exploitation of targeted regional, national and PNRR tenders.
‘Through the synergy between modernity and historical heritage, we work with determination to preserve and promote the unique identity of the Oltrepò Pavese by supporting the birth, growth and relaunch of our operators by facilitating their access to calls for tenders and subsequent fundraising,‘ explains the professional

The creation of an environmentally aware economic fabric thus becomes a shared objective, contributing to the relaunch of the territory in a context that fully reflects the needs of 2024, with an eye always turned towards a sustainable and prosperous future.
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