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Focus Oltrepò
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The Varzese cow, symbol of the Oltrepò Pavese in the Staffora Valley, embodies the robustness and adaptability of an indigenous breed of cattle. Its thousand-year history is intertwined with the agricultural identity of this region, bearing witness to a deep connection with the territory.

The Varzese cow, the symbol of the Staffora Valley in the Oltrepò Pavese area, embodies the resilience and authenticity of a breed of cattle that for centuries has skilfully adapted to an area with harsh and challenging pastures. Its presence is not only a testimony to the local agricultural tradition, but represents an invaluable genetic heritage, a living link to the history and culture of this area.
The peculiarity of the Varzese lies not only in its robustness and longevity, characteristics that allow it to thrive even in challenging environmental conditions. Its extraordinary ability to draw nourishment from the leanest pastures, where other breeds struggle to survive, gives this cow a fundamental role in the Staffora Valley ecosystem. Its ability to produce small quantities of milk and excellent quality meat, combined with its predisposition to work, has made it an irreplaceable element in the agricultural life of this region.
However, like many other native breeds, the Varzese has been affected by changes in the modern agricultural environment. The mechanisation of agriculture, the depopulation of rural areas and the preference for more specialised breeds have led to a significant reduction in its numbers.
Despite the challenges, there is a glimmer of hope in the preservation of this iconic breed. Initiatives for the preservation and enhancement of native breeds are emerging, and are crucial to preserving not only the Varzese, but also the genetic and cultural diversity it represents.
And it was in this context of preservation and renewed interest that Biunda, the latest birth at Cascina Giulia, was born on 25 November. As well as being a source of joy for breeders and enthusiasts, this happy event symbolises hope and continuity for the survival of this extraordinary native breed.
Biunda, with her arrival, embodies the promise of a future in which the Varzese can continue to be a living and significant part of the Staffora Valley‘s cultural and agricultural heritage. Its presence represents an invitation to protect and value not only this breed, but the entire ecosystem of traditions and knowledge that it brings with it.
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