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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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In Katiuscia Girgenti‘s life, resurrected passions and deep loves are intertwined. Her story, shaped by an inner quest and new challenges, encompasses a metamorphosis of feelings, woven between unexpected friendships and the courage to embrace change.

Katiuscia Girgenti has a path that tells of rebirth and passion. With a diploma in accountancy, she spent 17 years as logistics manager in a special waste transport company. But life has reserved new paths for her.

It was love that reawakened old, dormant passions in her. One of these became a challenge: cultivating saffron. From a modest home vegetable garden with thirty bulbs, she went on to plant thousands of them, finding the courage to open a sales outlet in 2018. It was there that the ‘L‘Or dai Colli Meliflora‘ brand was born, an ambitious project aimed at promoting typical products in Italy and abroad.

But the tale of this rebirth does not stop there. It is intertwined with the story of his book ‘La Donna che Sfiorava lo zafferano‘, co-written with Roberto Maria Montagna. This book is not just a story, it is a journey through friendship and complicity. It is the story of two women who, leaving Milan, radically change their lives by buying a farm to grow saffron.
His life has known important turning points: love, separation, the dark period of Covid. But in the midst of these vicissitudes, a virtual friendship is born that turns into collaboration. A friendship request on Facebook leads to a close relationship with a gentleman interested in saffron, culminating in the shared writing of ‘The Woman Who Grazed Saffron‘.

This book is not only a turning point in her life, but represents a rebirth and the beginning of new passions, such as writing and drawing. The book contains plates drawn by herself, a way of expressing her creativity. In addition, she has written children‘s stories set in the woods of Oltrepò, stories that make anyone who reads them dream.

For the future, her commitment is firm: to continue writing, to support the project linked to her brand ‘L‘Or dai Colli Meliflora‘, to continue growing saffron and to dedicate herself to the project with Legambiente for the Food District. Her driving force and source of inspiration is her daughter Azzurra, a gift that drives her to give the best of herself for the good of all. And her book, chosen several times as an introduction to important topics, becomes a vehicle to convey fundamental messages to the public.
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