
ALESSANDRO RICCI‘S GREEN PASSION - Between the world of pharmacy and the enchanting realm of plants

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Alessandro Ricci, the architect of a compelling metamorphosis between pharmacy and passion for nature, tells his story with the warmth of someone who has followed an unexpected impulse.VVVVVV

Alessandro Ricci, a name that embodies the extraordinary encounter between the world of pharmacy and the enchanting realm of plants.  His story tells of a path that marked a sudden but fascinating turning point, leading him to found R&R Green Maintenance. If, during his university years, someone had predicted to him that he would become the founder of this enterprise, he would probably have expressed surprise and uncertainty. Yet, here he is, ready to share his passion and knowledge with anyone interested in listening to him.

Alessandro‘s journey has its origins in chemistry and biology laboratories, where he spent years exploring the potential of molecules and investigating the beneficial power of chemicals. His training would lead him to a promising career in the pharmaceutical world, but his heart also beat for another universe: that of plants, fertile soil and the aromas of nature.

His decision to take this path was a bold one. He chose to set up R&R Green Maintenance, a company with a name and logo that are not random: ‘The Hedgehogs‘, in reference to the adorable endangered animals that also represent his own surname.
R&R Green Maintenance is not just a business for Alessandro; it is a way of life that allows him to fully live his passion every single day. Each of his customers‘ gardens is not just a collection of plants, but an opportunity to teach and share the beauty and care of greenery. The company does not only design and maintain gardens, but pays special attention to daily research and innovation, focusing on organic products or natural derivatives. Some of the seaweed, the result of a study still in its embryonic stage, seems to offer revolutionary properties for fertilising any type of plant, vegetable or stem.

Alessandro firmly believes that teaching people how to take care of plants is not just a matter of gardening, but an act of environmental responsibility. Every pruning, every piece of advice dispensed during his visits, is a small step towards a greater awareness of the environment around us. With his company, he not only takes care of gardens, but tries to make every customer aware of the importance of preserving nature, inspiring care for the environment.

With the launch of the column "Did you know that?", Alessandro aims to explain, starting from the basics, how to take care of the plants everyone has at home, from the pot on the balcony to the personal garden, encouraging a greater awareness of beauty and care for the nature that surrounds us.
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