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Focus Oltrepò
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This week was of great significance for the Oltrepò Pavese, a crossroads of perspectives of great impact on the economic destiny of our territory

A crucial week in Oltrepò Pavese has come to an end, characterised by a major event whose economic and sustainable impact will be reflected in the prosperity of our territory. 22 November saw the Fondazione Cariplo‘s shareholding entrance into Colline e Oltre S.P.A.. A strategic transaction with a significant impact on the territory and its future development.

This union is not just a financial transaction, but the expression of an extraordinary complementarity between two entities: Fondazione Cariplo, committed to supporting projects of social relevance and sustainability, and Colline e Oltre S.P.A., the perfect embodiment of these dualities. The Fondazione Cariplo, inspired by criteria of economic efficiency, invests in projects with a social impact using innovative financial instruments by strengthening the structure operating in the area.

Tourism emerges as the economic engine of Oltrepò Pavese. For this reason, a real beacon of tourist services will be created. An aggregative portal, fundamental for intercepting visitor flows in this region. Wine tourism, in particular, plays a key role, acting as a catalyst for the entire territory, where farms represent authentic gems. Cooperation and integration between local players become essential to fully exploit the area‘s riches.
Quality is the essence of what the Oltrepò Pavese can offer. Shifting attention to quantity would be an irreparable mistake, depriving us of the intrinsic richness of this land. These pillars are the cornerstones of an ambitious project of economic and tourist rebirth, a replicable model that could become an example for the whole of Italy.

The union between Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Banca del Monte and Banca Intesa is not only a turning point for the future of this area, but could be a tangible example of how synergies between different entities can shape a sustainable and economically vibrant future. 

This project is the natural continuation and integration of what Colline & Oltre Spa has concretely done in two years of intense activity. A project that shows how the interconnection between economic sustainability, social projects and tourism promotion can create a prosperous fabric for the entire community. 
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