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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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The expression ‘unity is strength‘ emphasises the importance of collaboration to face challenges and achieve positive results. With this in mind, Oltrepò Pavese will be able to achieve significant benefits through the creation of the ‘Food District‘.

In a room pervaded by an atmosphere full of expectation, the presentation of a very important aggregative project destined to give a concrete relaunch to our territory was held at ‘La Buta‘ restaurant in Bosnasco: the ‘Food District in Oltrepò‘.

With palpable enthusiasm, those present listened attentively to the presentation of this ambitious initiative, namely the creation of a typical food district in the Oltrepò Pavese area.

Patrizio Dolcini opened the speeches by highlighting how the importance of this project is not represented by the creation of a new association, but rather consists of an initiative that focuses on the challenges and opportunities of our territory and has the ability to act as a catalyst, stimulating social cohesion and favouring the economic growth of the myriad activities linked to agricultural and zootechnical production and the processing and trade of excellent products of our Oltrepò.

Barbara Varesi, as mayor of Bosnasco, pointed out how the nascent District is a beacon needed to guide the Oltrepò towards a bright future, creating synergies between communities, to foster prosperity and wellbeing for all.
Andrea Sala, councillor of the Lombardy Region, praised the project, which is capable of charting a course towards a future that can make our Oltrepò more prosperous and sustainable.

Concluding the presentation of the project was Matteo Casagrande Paladini, general manager of Colline & Oltre Spa (a company owned by Banca Intesa and Fondazione Banca del Monte), who further specified how the wine and food development of the territory is essential to foster economic growth, improve the quality of life and promote sustainability. A well-developed territory can offer economic opportunities and preserve its environmental and cultural heritage for future generations.

After a well-wishing toast made with La Versa Testarossa Oltrepò Pavese DOCG 2016, a dinner centred on the flavours of saffron provided by the Associazione Zafferano Oltrepò was consumed. It was an extraordinary food and wine experience that brought out how the products of our territory are products of excellence and the Food District represents their pride and joy.

The evening was a hymn to gastronomy and united palate and heart in a delicious harmony of tastes and flavours. The local wine was expertly illustrated to the participants by a very knowledgeable sommelier, who passionately explained every single tasting.In addition, writer Katiuscia Girgenti presented the book ‘La donna che sfiorava lo zafferano‘ (The woman who brushed saffron), written in four hands together with Pavia author Roberto Maria Montagna, who, together with her charming daughter Azzurra, described the story of a saffron-growing woman, full of passion for the land and art in search of sweet and definitive happiness.

The participants were pleasantly involved in the book presentation and quickly sold out all the copies available in the hall.

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