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Focus Oltrepò
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Uniting our passions, ideas and resources is like weaving a fabric, where each thread represents a unique contribution. It is only by weaving together the energies of the territory that we can create a network capable of strongly supporting and relaunching the enchanting landscape of the Oltrepò Pavese, transforming shared dreams into a vibrant reality.

In the current socio-economic context, Oltrepò Pavese emerges as a region characterised by a rich, diverse cultural, landscape, food and wine and environmental heritage of inestimable value. Medieval villages, castles, historic churches and unspoilt nature constitute a unique attraction. Promoting and preserving these resources is essential to ensure sustainable development that preserves the authentic identity of this territory.

However, despite its potential, this area needs a boost for territorial development. The area, with its hills, agricultural production and delicious food and wine, is an authentic treasure chest of beauty that is still little exploited. Renowned for numerous products that the land generously donates (wine, saffron, honey, cheese, cured meats, etc., to name but a few), it needs investment in infrastructure, marketing strategies to promote local products and, last but not least, a more incisive way to create wealth: networking!

The development of food and wine tourism and the dissemination of local food culture (made up of unique products to be exploited and made known) will bring significant benefits, not only for companies but also for the economy as a whole and its workers in particular. Encouraging innovation and supporting local entrepreneurship can stimulate economic growth.
The encouragement of new technologies, sustainable agriculture and small business development could lead to greater diversification of the economy and create new job opportunities for young people.

Local institutions must actively work together to create long-term development strategies. Targeted investments in infrastructure, services and programmes to support education, innovation and vocational training are essential. Furthermore, encouraging the active participation of citizens in local policy-making is crucial to ensure an inclusive and sustainable future.

There are many cultural, historical and professional associations dedicated to preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the Oltrepò Pavese. These organisations are involved in protecting the territory, organising events and activities to preserve and spread knowledge of the traditions of the Oltrepò and should not be left alone. The unions of restaurant entrepreneurs, hoteliers, and producers of the territory‘s excellent products (saffron, wines, cured meats, cheeses, etc.) are examples of associationism aimed at creating a network in the common interest of the territory.
The tourist summer that has just ended has now given way to the 2024 tourist season for which operators are getting organised. Just yesterday, American tour operators visited our Oltrepò, which, thanks also to the beautiful sunny day, left these operators breathless.

The development of the Oltrepò Pavese is not only an economic issue, but also a cultural and social challenge. Making the most of local resources, investing in infrastructure, and promoting the unique identity of this region could be the cornerstones of a revival capable of making the area shine in the eyes of residents and visitors alike.

The time to fully exploit the potential of Oltrepò Pavese is now. Only through an integrated and sustainable vision, together with targeted investments, will it be possible to build a prosperous and lasting future for this wonderful territory.
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