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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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The Zucca Berrettina di Lungavilla is more than just a vegetable, it is a living testimony to the love and dedication of the local community.

In the heart of the Oltrepò Pavese area, there is a tradition that reflects the history and passion of a community: the Zucca Berrettina. This unique variety of pumpkin, with its unusual shape and pale blue-green colour, has become a symbol of the horticultural art and dedication of the inhabitants of Lungavilla.

The cultivation of pumpkins has always been an essential part of life in the Oltrepò Pavese, but in Lungavilla, this agricultural practice has a history dating back to time immemorial. This area is famous for its Zucca Berrettina pumpkin, of moderate size and extraordinary flavour, ideal for creating both sweet and savoury recipes. The love and dedication for this product is celebrated every year in this town with the ‘Festa di Succ‘, an event that involves all the inhabitants of Lungavilla.

The ‘Zucca Berrettina‘ pumpkin, once widespread throughout the Po Valley, was at risk of extinction years ago due to dietary changes and the passing of time. However, thanks to the Associazione Zucca Berrettina, founded in November 2011, and the contribution of local farms that supported it, this variety was saved from extinction. This association is made up of passionate volunteers who are dedicated to the protection and promotion of this unique product.

The Zucca Berrettina was awarded the municipal De. Co. designation, a recognition that emphasises the special connection between the product and its place of origin. This designation not only preserves the product‘s provenance but is also a means of promoting the area‘s production peculiarities. The Zucca Berrettina has become a symbol of Lungavilla‘s identity and its agricultural heritage.

In an ever-changing world, the Zucca Berrettina is an example of how the community‘s dedication and passion can preserve a unique agricultural heritage. The story of Lungavilla‘s Zucca Berrettina is a reminder of the importance of preserving local traditions and celebrating what makes each community unique.


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