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Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
Focus Oltrepò
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Visiting Oramala Castle is an experience that fills one with emotion, taking one back in time and nourishing the soul with the timeless beauty of its surroundings

The Castle of Oramala is a fascinating medieval testimony located in the picturesque Oltrepò Pavese, more specifically in the Val di Nizza. This majestic fortress, with its imposing architecture, majestic tower and eventful history, attracts visitors and history enthusiasts from all over the world.

In the 11th century, the Castle of Oramala arose thanks to the initiative of the Malaspina family. Over the following centuries, the castle underwent various vicissitudes, first passing under the control of the Bishop of Tortona and later into the hands of the Marquises D‘Este. It was only in 1164 that the castle returned to the Malaspina family, thanks to the intervention of Frederick Barbarossa.

The end of the 12th century marked the peak of Oramala Castle‘s greatness, when it became a refuge for some of the most illustrious troubadours of the time. This period represented one of the most significant chapters in the castle‘s history.

Situated on a rocky spur at an altitude of 700 metres, the castle played a vital role as a defensive fortress. The historic Salt Road, which passed nearby, forced travellers to pay tribute in exchange for transit, given its strategic importance and the value of the materials they carried.

When referring to Oramala Castle today, it actually only corresponds to one part of the complex, known as the rocca, while the rest of the building has been lost over time. Its structure has a square plan and includes an imposing stone tower that towers imposingly above the complex and affords breathtaking views of the surrounding valley and the hills of the Oltrepò Pavese.

There are many rumours of ghosts and mysteries about this castle. It is said that the rooms of Oramala Castle are still haunted by the ghosts of illustrious personalities such as Federico Barbarossa and Obizzo Malaspina.

To experience these fascinating stories steeped in mystery at first hand, you must visit this fascinating place, ideal for anyone wishing to explore the world of medieval history and admire the fascinating views of the surrounding countryside.

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