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Focus Oltrepò
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Young entrepreneurs, in order to realise their business dream, can count on non-repayable grants from the Lombardy Region. A highly useful but sometimes little-known instrument

The importance of entrepreneurship in our area lies in its ability to generate job opportunities, foster economic development, promote innovation and contribute to the sustainable growth of the local community.

Entrepreneurs not only create valuable products and services, but often reinvest in their communities, supporting cultural, social and educational initiatives that improve the quality of life for all. They also help diversify the economy and reduce dependency on large companies or specific sectors, thus increasing the resilience of the area to global economic fluctuations. In short, the entrepreneurs of our Oltrepò play a crucial role in shaping the future and wellbeing of the community in which we live.

To achieve all this, businesses cannot be left alone and must be supported in their path of growth. The MISE (Ministry for Economic Development), the Lombardy Region and the local Chamber of Commerce come to their aid and assume the role of pillars for local economic development.
In addition to its natural beauty and cultural richness, our area is also characterised by a number of economic sectors. One of the most significant sectors is undoubtedly agriculture, viticulture, for its high quality produce, cereals, fruit and vegetables. This sector is fundamental to the local economy and has helped consolidate the area‘s reputation as an important food and wine destination in Lombardy.

Tourism, another important economic driver of the Oltrepò Pavese, is characterised by the presence of castles, medieval villages and breathtaking landscapes that attract visitors from all over. Food and wine tourism is particularly relevant, as many people come here to taste the local wines and savour the traditional cuisine, which ranges from meat dishes to cheeses and high-quality extra virgin olive oils. In short, the Oltrepò Pavese is a place where tradition and innovation come together to support a varied economy that draws on its agricultural and artisan roots, while opening up to the opportunities of tourism and services.Start of module
Having such a beautiful territory and passively watching its decline does not gratify anyone. Entrepreneurial efforts must be helped both for new companies and to consolidate or strengthen existing ones. To all those who believe in the territory, to those who wish to realise their entrepreneurial dream, we would like to point out that the Lombardy Region has allocated the necessary funds in ‘Bando Nuova Impresa 2023‘ to support them economically. This is a non-repayable grant intended for new entrepreneurs in the Oltrepò pavese area.

For more information on the subject, go to the call for proposals area of our site to read the complete announcement
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